Dear Forum Members,
I ran Norton Power Eraser the other day and it marked a file called: eraserutildrv11120.sys as malicious. When I checked the details of the file, it said that the file didn't have an identified author. So I checked online to find out what was going on. The only explanation I got was that eraserutildrv11120.sys appears to belong to symantec's eraser drive, according to the website systemexplorer.
I decided to run Norton Power Eraser again to confirm. This time, it didn't pick up the file. When I went to check the location where eraserutildr11120.sys should be, it wasn't there. I checked for hidden files, but it wasn't there either. The fact that the file wasn't there was strange because that would mean that Norton Power Eraser had just picked up on a file that doesn't exist on my computer. This seems impossible to me. How can you detect something that just isn't there?
Anyway, when the second scan, I closed NPE. A dialog box popped up saying that there was an error that prevented NPE from functioning properly. Could this have had anything to do with eraserutildrv11120.sys?
That was yesterday.
Today, I ran Norton Power Eraser again, and it worked fine. I also ran a full-system Norton antivirus scan and no threats were identified, apart from tracking cookies. So I am wondering, could it be possible that eraserutildrv11120.sys was caused by file corruption? Or, could this file actually be malicious software that has managed to hide from me, NPE, and Norton antivirus? Should I be worried about this issue?
I appreciate your timely and considerate responses