Error 8504 106 with Norton 360V5 PE ( changing useraccountlevel is not a solution)

Error 8504 106 with Norton 360V5 PE ( changing useraccountlevel is not a solution)


Getting Error 8504 106 with Norton 360V5 PE ( on Win 7 32b )

Had n360v4 (expired) bought online V5 ,after download and install ,  did not react after clicking Explore, no response

Live update ( afer a long time gave Error 8504 106

( Tried Startup in safe mode, works there,)

Deinstalled, cleaned, reinstall, same error

support said deinstaal, set useraccount to 0!, reinstall, set useraccount back, same error !

( as a experiment, copied installfile on usb , copied to other pc, installed, all ok ( even with useraccountlevel to max ! ,

So  what now ? ( changing useraccountlevel is not a solution )

Help appreciated ( or else return N360 back to sender 'symantec'




Hi Fiekke,

Welcome to Norton Community!

Run Checkdisk and check if your computer have any disk errors. If so, fix all those, restart the computer and then run LiveUpdate.


If the problem persists, find ccsvchst.exe file from C:\Program Files\Norton 360\5.x.x.x folder. Right-click on it and select Properties. In the Compatibility tab, check Run as Administrator and click OK. Restart the computer, and let us know the results.


As requested, run as admin, no feedback or errorreport, (  tried adding adding  Print screen of taskman and file list but it is not allowed !)

Tx for fb

PS :  liveupdate only runs when usseraccountlevel = zero