I've been getting the Error 8506, 422 message all most every morning recently. The first time I got it, I removed and reinstalled NAV (2012), since then it's gone away if I just reboot. Is any progress being made of fixing this?
Hi nouveau_cowboy,
The beta test for NAV 2012 just ended and users are being advised to completely remove the software (or, better yet, restore to a disk image created prior to NAV 2012 installation). I'm not sure if the error is related, but the beta program will soon be unusable, in any event.
Hello Sho_GuN
If you want, you can revert back to NIS 2011 until some of the bugs are worked out.
You would have to remove NIS 2012 first after backing up your Identity Safe file if you use that.
Use the control panel method and reboot your computer.
Then you could tryi installing NIS 2011 from the above link. See how that works out for you.
This is the KB article that is for the error you mentioned but I think you have gone thru all that it says to do already.
Please come back and let us know how you make out. Thanks.
Yea, the first time I had the problem, I used the removal tool and reinstalled. Since then, I've just been rebooting. I got the error twice this week.
can you please tell us the exact version of your Norton product?
1. Open the main window
2. Click on Help & Support -> About menu
3. On the About window find the version number (it will look like this:
Sorry for the delay, I haven't checked back here recently.
I got the error again on 12/3 and 12/6. In both of these cases, it was right after rebooting (with the reset button) after a BSOD.
Hi Jeff,
Please open Run by pressing windows key + R -> devmgmt.msc -> View Show Hidden devices -> open Non-Plug and Play Drivers-> Maximize the Screen Post a screenshot of that window.
one good solution for this is to first, make sure that you have a copy of your product key. To get it go to (www.myNortonaccount.com) <--- log in using the email address that is associated with your Norton account..
Once you have the product key handy. Run the Norton Removal Tool. (www.Norton.com/nrt)
run the tool. Make sure to restart PC, then redownload your Norton through www.Norton.com/download
skip to step 2 and look for the Norton product that you need to re install
follow the onscreen instructions and re activate your Norton Product..^^ hope that would help
That is what I did the first time it happened (removed it with the removal tool, and reinstalled), but it came back.
Hi Jeff ,
Thanks for the Screenshot. If you have a identity safe data back it up -> Goto Control panel uninstall norton AV ->select the second option to completely uninstall ->restart -> Run Norton Removal Tool -> Restart -> Goto the screenshot page -> if you find
NAVENG, NAVEX15, Norton Antivirus settings manager, starting from Symantec Data Store to SymEvent (entries starting with Sym) ->right click on them click uninstall -> For the Restart prompts select no -> Goto Program files if you find Norton Folder delete it -> Goto Run ->type temp ->Delete all the files in there -> Run -> %temp% ->delete all ->Now Restart the PC ->Install Norton Antivirus->Run Live Update until you get no updates found message ->restart PC | Let us know how it went for you and reply if you'd any difficulties
Thank you for the instructions Subash.
I had the error again this morning, before I followed your procedure.
The Live Update only requried runnng once.
I will let you know if the problem comes back.
Waiting for a Good reply Jeff...
I don't mean to hijack the post here, but I have been having the same problem and have followed the steps you've mentioned to fix the problem. Thanks so much for posting. Hopefully this solves my problem as well! :)
Glad to hear that kthartline...
I have been reading posts about this problem since i have this error too for the past 5 days. Since there is no follow up report from the the 2 who tried the above method I'm hoping it worked for them. I have done the unsinstall-install-live update method using the NRT 4x (2x using NIS2011 and 2x using NIS 2012) to no avail. Hope this method works this time.
Hope to hear a good news from you....
Okay i had the chance of rebooting my pc 5x yesterday after following your instructions and so far so good. Each boot NIS2012 successfully initiated and functioned properly. And today, it's 2nd day, it is still working perfectly whereas my previous uninstall-install-update attempts prior to your instructions failed. I will post again later if anythings goes bad or , hopefully, everything is still okay.
Again, thank you very much for the help.
Very Glad to hear that...:)
Day 3 and my NIS 19.2.0 initiated and is running smoothly.