Error Code: 32030 Your subscription has expired - Norton 360 Advanced

Norton 360 Advanced (subscription valid until Oct 2024) which includes the product: Dark Web Monitoring ... however get a 32030 when trying to "Enrol Now". Any ideas? (Win 10 with full updated)

Error loading Your subscription has expired. Please click here to renew your subscription. Error code: 32030

Has been posted before by Permalink and solved by Gayathri_R but no solution given:


igen töbször is.

yes several times. 

and Norton Support was unable to resolve? 
Did you get refund? 

We'll try to call attention:  

igen töbször is.

My same problem, how to fix?

Did you reach out to Norton Official Support?  

Norton Official Support is via Chat or Phone.  No Email support. 
Support request generates a case number.
Chat Support offers save & print transcript. 

  ~ Contact Norton Official Support ~

Please review related posts in another thread:

Maybe, share your geo-location/country.  
Maybe, I can post Norton Official Support phone number, if you want? 

My same problem, how to fix?

Hi everyone

Thanks to a fantastic Norton support team, I was able to resolve the issue I was facing.

Recently, I changed my country of residence, and there was a discrepancy between my account country and the country of the activated product.

Hi @david123,

I have sent you a private message. Please take a look at it when you get a chance. Thanks.


Thank you for posting on the Norton Community. We will look into this issue. Thanks.

FWIW!! Here is the latest for incidents from the Norton Services Status site. Nothing of real interest shows that would affect enrollment services at the present time. I'm going to pass this along to a Norton contact to see if they are aware of something we aren't able to see.


Hi SoulAsylum,

thanks for the reply, i have no VPN and on Win 10 (fully updated) i tried with edge (last version) no add-on/extension and Firefox (last version) no add-on/extension. in addition i've tried with Chrome (last version) from Android 14. Same results.

i also changed Laptop and i get same result.

Hello David. The error 32030 is caused by the server you are trying to log into having an issue. Norton would only post that a backend issue was corrected if anything, in other instances as far back as 2022 nothing was given as the cause that I can find. Please allow me to ask the following:

- Are you using a VPN when attempting to enroll? If so disable it.

- Are any ad-blocking extension active on your web browser? If so disable them.

- What browser are you using while enrolling? Have you tried a different browser to try and produce different results?