--Error EBAB03F1: The parameter is incorrect

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Greetings all:


I just 'upgraded' from v 9.0 to v 14.0. I've also just increased the HD size I use to backup to from 250gb to 640gb. These are Iomega external USB drives. 


 I'm getting the above error somewhere near the end of the backup. And then the all the 'recovery points' are wiped off the external drive. Not very polite.


I have a WD Raptor that is partioned into a logical c: and d:. Then I have 300mb e: and a 400mb f: physical drives. I'm backing them all up at one shot. 


Can anyone help with this? I don't find the error message mentioned in the past forum. 

Thanks Mel:


Well that blows... I have a combo floppy drive/card reader installed that I use for my photography, it's hard-installed and wired to an internal USB port on the MB. Maybe I have to go back to v9.0 

hi denton - i agree with your assessment... seems like a silly technical limitation in today's USB world. Anybody from SYMC want to chime in on this one?



That's an older document.  With Ghost, there are multiple parts to the error message that is displayed.  If you could copy across each of the parts that would be helpful in identifying the root cause.  Ghost 10 and 9 did have some issues with multiple USB controllers, but that should no longer be the case with version 14 on top of the fact that you did not see an issue with that in version 9.  Have you run checkdisk or any OEM error correction tools on the source and destination drives?  When you see the failure does it appear to be the exact same spot every time?  Do you see it on a specific drive? 


On your external drives, do you have any security enabled?  EFS?  Password protection/lock?  Iomega program installed to secure the drive(s)?




Hi Eric:


The first part is


-Unable to write to file.

--Error EBAB03F1: The parameter is incorrect.



Under that is:

 Error e7d1001f running job: c:\, d:\, e:\, f:\


Have not run any disk-checking utilities on any drives. No software of any kind on destination drives.


THe failure does seem to be consistent. When I run a backup on all my drives, as above, it fails somewhere on the f: drive. All the time. But if I run a backup for c:, d:, and e:, and then run another backup for f:, everything runs fine.


I should note that I have three identical Iomega 640mb drives that I rotate for backup and the identical thing happens on every drive. Only one is attached to the computer at any given time.


c: contains 30gb with 42gb free.

d: contains 4gb with 67gb free. I use this drive just for Adobe apps that benefit from being on a fast drive. 

The above are the same physical drive (WD raptor) partioned into two logical drives.


e: contains 35gb with 365gb free. Most of my programs are on this drive.

f: contains 212 gb with 188gb free. My data is on this drive.


A few weeks ago the physical c: failed. I replaced it with an identical raptor. At the time I was using Ghost 9.0 to back up my computer, and I had 3 Iomega 250gb drives that were close to full. Without too much drama, I was able to recover the c: and d: partitions. I was so happy and grateful I decided I should upgrade to the latest version of Ghost. ALmost at the same time, the 250gb drives became full, and I used G14 to only backup c;, d:, and f:. No problems. Then I bought these new 640gb drives and I have problems.


Let me know if you need more info, thanks!





If you could go into the folder that you installed Ghost to and run the following for me:


Run Seast.exe

Choose to collect all log information

It will tell you where it outputs to (differs by OS and version of Ghost)

Zip the destination folder and attach here


Once we have that, we'll do some investigation to see why this is happening on your system.



It looks like there's a crash.  In the logs you sent me it looks like the pin order for your drives are C, D, F, and then E.  Could you change the order of your internal drive connections so it follows in C, D, E, and then F?  If that doesn't work, we'll need to spend more time analyzing the logs you sent. 



I just can across this discussion as I too am experiencing the same error message at 64% into the back up and 12 mins. left. The second error code that followed is E7D10020. I have just installed Ghost 14 for the first time and have yet to make one good back up. I'm trying to back up to an external USB drive from drive C: only (Drive D: is a recovery drive on the same physical hd.)


Now I will say this comes after restoring drive C: from an ealier crash, using first the recovery drive, then reloading the applications and putting the data files back on. (not fun) So now I want to image the drive so I needn't go through that pain again. (especially if I have to replace it.)


Am I to fear that because the drive may have crashed, been reloaded and seems to be working fine, that I still may not be able to image it? - Jay

Different scenario Jay.  Your error means that there is a problem with the destination for your backup and not the source.  Is the drive FAT32?  Is there anything critical on it?  Try having your images split up in sizes of 4 GB or just smaller.  Another option would be to reformat the destination drive and convert to NTFS.  If you continue to have a problem, I recommend starting a new thread on this.





Thanks Erik, by reducing the size of the image files to under 4 GB each the backup worked and yes the back up drive is FAT32. (For the moment reformating to NTFS is in the distanct future.) - Jay

Glad to help.



hi denton - looks like it may be the multiple USB drives that are causing the problem:



