Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Do not have any of those programs mentioned. Where is the SRD anyway, is it part of the S & R 2.0 disk?
Installed Save & Restore 2.0 on Dell E1705 running Vista Ultimate. When trying to create a recovery disk, Message comes up:
"Cannot create recovery disk..."Error EC950008: driver mining. Any solutions?
Hi Ldmth44,
I apologize; the Symantec Recovery Disk is also the same disk that you used to install NSR 2.0, or if you purchased it online, it was an ISO that you downloaded and burned to a bootable CD.
The Symantec Recovery Disk is the standard recovery disk, and is the base upon which a Custom Recovery Disk is build. I would try booting to the Symantec Recovery Disk first, and noting any problems that occur. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
I have the identical problem...I get the EC950008 message when creating my custom recovery disc.
I'm using my original Save & Restore 2.0 disc; when prompted by the Creation Wizard I point to my CD-R drive, it begins to compare drivers, then crashes...with the above message. I've verified my drivers, and that worked fine.
I have put ALL of my backups on a Seagate FreeAgent Pro 750gb external drive, connected by an ESata card. When I boot into the recovery environment, I can't see the FreeAgent drive, so I'm unable to restore anything from that location.
Any help appreciated.
John M
Does the error appear before you’re prompted to insert a blank disk? Are you able to boot to the standard SRD, and see which drivers are needed for the customer SRD?
I am also getting the exact same error. The problem happens BEFORE being asked to insert a blank disk. It happens just after being asked where the present Recovery Disk is located, "Comparing drivers" starts and a few seconds later the error appears. The only option is OK. The progress bar reappears but nothing progresses.
This must be a known issue since it is quoted in a review of the product on Amazon along with the statement that Symantec has no fix at this time.
Yes...error appears before any such prompt. I can boot to the SRD, and have validated all drivers, but can't get past the error message...your question puzzles me...it is DURING the process of determining the drivers for my custom SRD that the crash occurs and the error message occurs.....
Thanks for any help.
Is your ESata card connected via PCMCIA or a native eSata port? What's your mobo?
In my case there is no esata involved. We are just trying to create the custom recovery disk and that won’t work because of the error mentioned before.
For yours, try running driver validation (Tony mentions towards the top). See if you receive an error there or if it completes successfully.
Connected via PCI express bus...no idea of the mobo..
Is this a home built or OEM? If OEM what model/manufacturer? We'll need to do some research as I'm unsure if we've tested with eSata yet.
Platform: ASUS M50SV running Windows Vista Home Premimum SP1
Norton Save and Restore
Create Custom Symantec Recovery Disk:
Error EC950008: Driver mining failed in C:\Users.…\AppData\Local\Temp\17a9…\MinedDrivers
MinedDrivers directory is empty.
SRD Driver validation reports:
The following devices do not have drivers in the Symantec Recovery Disk.
Ricoh Memory Stick Host Controller
Ricoh SD/MMC Host Controller
Ricoh xD-Picture Card Controller
JMicron JMB36X Controller
Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN
WAN Miniport (SSTP)
My card is NOT native eSata. It is connected to PCI bus. Any thoughts to resolve?
John M
Beetle and John,
Let me do some research for you. I'll get back to you once I dig a little deeper on this. Thanks.
Create Custom Symantec Recovery Disk.log
06-20-2008 12:48:38 : [INFO]: Getting application config file.
06-20-2008 12:48:38 : [INFO]: Intializing Create Custom Symantec Recovery Disk
06-20-2008 12:48:38 : [INFO]: Checking for Administrator privileges.
06-20-2008 12:48:38 : [INFO]: Checking for supported OS.
06-20-2008 12:48:38 : [INFO]: Checking for GearWorks files.
06-20-2008 12:48:38 : [INFO]: Initializing GearWorks toolkit.
06-20-2008 12:48:38 : [INFO]: Setting application parameters.
06-20-2008 12:48:40 : [INFO]: Validating user specified paths.
06-20-2008 12:48:40 : [INFO]: Logging application paths.....
06-20-2008 12:48:40 : [INFO]: Symantec Recovery Disk path = E:\
06-20-2008 12:48:40 : [INFO]: Temporary file path =
06-20-2008 12:48:40 : [INFO]: Creating directories for temporary usage.
06-20-2008 12:48:40 : [INFO]: Checking for free space in C:\Users\...\Documents
06-20-2008 12:48:40 : [INFO]: Getting Sre missing drivers from E:\
06-20-2008 12:48:42 : [ERROR]: Error EC950008: Driver mining failed in
Procmon output for ModifiableSRD.exe just prior to the failure:
"4615345","12:56:53.8045766 PM","ModifiableSRD.exe","3480","ReadFile","E:\SymDriverInfo.xml","SUCCESS","Offset: 614,130, Length: 8,190"
"4615346","12:56:53.8050398 PM","ModifiableSRD.exe","3480","ReadFile","E:\SymDriverInfo.xml","SUCCESS","Offset: 622,320, Length: 8,188"
"4615347","12:56:53.8055746 PM","ModifiableSRD.exe","3480","ReadFile","E:\SymDriverInfo.xml","SUCCESS","Offset: 630,508, Length: 8,184"
"4615348","12:56:53.8060253 PM","ModifiableSRD.exe","3480","ReadFile","E:\SymDriverInfo.xml","SUCCESS","Offset: 638,692, Length: 4,165"
"4615349","12:56:53.8062512 PM","ModifiableSRD.exe","3480","ReadFile","E:\SymDriverInfo.xml","END OF FILE","Offset: 642,857, Length: 8,189"
"4615350","12:56:53.8062718 PM","ModifiableSRD.exe","3480","CloseFile","E:\SymDriverInfo.xml","SUCCESS",""
"4615672","12:56:54.5876102 PM","ModifiableSRD.exe","3480","QueryOpen","E:\SymInfo.xml","FAST IO DISALLOWED",""
"4615673","12:56:54.5879196 PM","ModifiableSRD.exe","3480","CreateFile","E:\SymInfo.xml","NAME NOT FOUND","Desired Access: Read Attributes,
Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a"
"4615674","12:56:54.5885823 PM","ModifiableSRD.exe","3480","QueryOpen","E:\SymInfo.xml","FAST IO DISALLOWED",""
"4615675","12:56:54.5890609 PM","ModifiableSRD.exe","3480","CreateFile","E:\SymInfo.xml","NAME NOT FOUND","Desired Access: Read Attributes,
Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a"
"4615676","12:56:54.5901305 PM","ModifiableSRD.exe","3480","QueryOpen","D:\ASUS_Program_Files\Norton Save and Restore\Agent\Create Custom
Symantec Recovery Disk.log","FAST IO DISALLOWED",""
The recovery disk has been spinning on drive E: processing the ReadFile E:\SymDriverInfo.xml requests. Then ModifiableSRD.exe attempts a QueryOpen of E:\SymInfo.xml (which does not exist) followed by a CreateFile of E:\SymInfo.xml...but this is the CD-R recovery disk and the requested CreateFile fails.
The following was sucessful in my environment for bypassing the "Driver mining failed" error. First, stage the entire recovery cd to a temporary disk folder, eg. c:\temp\srd. Then within c:\temp\srd make a copy of SYMLANGUAGEINFO.xml and rename the copy to SYMINFO.xml. During the Create Custom Recovery Disk dialogue, specify c:\temp\SRD as the Symantec Recovery Disk Location.
Works for me too!
Thanks. I'll pass this along and also document this work around for the time being.