Error Message 8504, 104



Norton has stopped me from connecting to the internet and the message appears error 8504, 104


I have tries everything on this page


My final action is to uninstall Norton but it will not let me. When I press uninstall nothing happans.

Please anyone! If I reset my system to a particular date will it resolve this issue. 

Getting the same error message, and on my notebook, its causing the biometric chip to fail. Sorry but good to know I am not the only one. This basically is the same issue before they brought the new versions out. Not good at all.

Just happened again, and now waiting 1hr for norton chat, just got on

Well after Norton tech took over with remote control I still have problems, 8504,104. This must be a bigger issue that Symantec will acknowledge, its not being fixed. I doubt at this stage if I will renew my subscription. There has been nothing but problems, and I really have no confidence in Symantec. I have no confirmation of protection, I cannot open the interface, or even see a green tick. I can only presume I am not protected, and that’s NOT what I pay for.

Fixed, I think, had a Norton tech remote in and go through and cleaned the registry, and a few files, looks like the installer gets a little lost and not clean up the previous versions. See how we go!!!

Thanks for the feedback -- was this a second remote session by a Norton Support staffer?

Yes, second call back to Symantec tech hit it on the head, so to speak. Went straight into it after remote, I would not have even attempted what he did. Registry stuff, leave that to the experts. so far so good.

How wise not to tinker with things like the registry .....


Sorry it took you two goes but maybe the first guy hadn't read the Notes yet .... ?


Did you ever run the Norton Removal Tool (the more intensive route than the Norton Remove and Reinstall Tool) and then reinstall ?

NRT, yes 7 times, sad news is that its occurred again. Just now we have 8504, 104 again… So back for Symantec tech #3. This is now no longer frustrating but insanely annoying…

Sorry about that ... I wish I could help.

Thanks, but its happened again just now. So this is 4th time, so here are more hit and miss attempts. At least this time I have a senior tech case manager email address. I let them play last night for a good hour or so, and it failed. Kaspersky or bit defender here I come