Error messages from Microsoft

I am NOT a computer whiz, so I may have a hard time with working out of my normal usage areas, so please be gentle.

My computer often reboots for some reason, then I get an error message something like this "....your computer has encountered an error and it shut down to protect itself....".  Then it prompts me to send the message to Microsoft, which I do.  Then a window

comes up and tells me that I might have 2 virus detection systems, or that something is wrong with my virus system, etc.

I do what they suggest, but cannot find anything amiss.  I must have done this a hundred times over the last few months, but

it never seems to help.

I am not aware of any.  When I follow one of the suggestions, it tells me to look at list of programs for any others, but I don't recognize any.

lambob2 - please be advised that there are some scams out there, that tells you something like "Your PC has a virus and needs to be cleaned, please click on fix to repair" or "Your PC has a problem and allow our technician to connect to your PC to fix the problem".  Please be aware that clicking on the fix button may open your PC to malware.  Have you installed any new software or hardware lately that might be causing a driver conflict?  Would you tell us what Operating System your PC has (and any Service Pack updates) and what version of Security software you are running (with version numbers), this might help others solve your problem.


Yes, I am aware of that type of scam and I am very careful not to fall for them.

Microsoft Windows XP, version 2002, Service Pack 3, NIS

Have you run a full system scan in Safe Mode?

I am NOT a computer whiz, so I may have a hard time with working out of my normal usage areas, so please be gentle.

My computer often reboots for some reason, then I get an error message something like this "....your computer has encountered an error and it shut down to protect itself....".  Then it prompts me to send the message to Microsoft, which I do.  Then a window

comes up and tells me that I might have 2 virus detection systems, or that something is wrong with my virus system, etc.

I do what they suggest, but cannot find anything amiss.  I must have done this a hundred times over the last few months, but

it never seems to help.