Got the message that my subscription for Norton Antivirus 11 for Mac needed renewing so I dutifully clicked on renew. However a web error occurred when I was switching the currency from US to Canadian dollars and, because I was doing the upgrade directly within Live Update there was no "back" button to go back and had to cancel. So, when I ran live update again (I presume) it took me to mean that I did not want to renew my subscription at this time and dutifully updated. So how can I get it to ask me again if I want to update my subscription so I can actually do so. Looking through the receipts folder in the library folder at the root of my hard drive ( not in the home folder) I can't see any "nortony" receipts that were updated today that might be the ones to "delete" so as to trick live update into letting me renew my subscription.
Thanks for any help