Exclude a drive from Ghost Files & Folders Backup?

I recently installed Ghost 15.0 on a laptop running Windows Vista.  I want to do a Files & Folders backup.  The laptop has two internal drive partitions, C and D, and one external USB hard drive, F.  Drive F is the backup target, and I also store other  seldom-used filed on this drive.  When I create the Files & Folders backup job, Ghost automatically selects Drives C, D & F to be backed up.  In other words, my F drive is both a drive being backed up and the target drive, and F ends up having files copied onto itself.  Very wasteful.  How can I exclude Drive F from the list of drives to be backed up in the Files and Folders backup?

If it were me, I would scrap the whole File and Folder Backup and use Ghost for what it does best.... Imaging. Have a look at THIS POST by Allen M. for pros and cons of each method.

Thanks for the reference.  All good points, and doing the full backup is an option.  However, it is an option that will require me to buy a new and larger external HD, which is something I am trying to avoid.