Exclude Hidden And System Files/Folders For Norton BackUp

I have the most current version of Norton Security Premium which includes BackUp.  To my knowledge there is no way to exclude hidden and system files and folders without manually excluding each file/folder.  I would like to recommend a new feature which would involve nothing more than checking off a box to exclude hidden and system files/folders.  Would save both space in the backup and time and I am quite sure more than just me would find that useful because quite frankly the vast majority of people I doubt needs any files from the appdata folder saved.

I found a way to exclude AppData and all that stuff I'm not interested.

  1. Excluded the folder /Users/MyName
  2. Include the folders: /Users/MyName/Documents and /Users/MyName/Desktop
  3. Do the same with other users (if you have) or other folders you interested.

Now I know what is my backup storing.