Norton Security Ultra
Automatic cloud backup does not work when Windsribe VPN is turned on.
When turned off it works fine.
Tried various different VPN protocols and nothing works.
The VPN provider suggest using Split Tunnel and exclude the backup from the VPN.
What program or app name should I use for backup so it can be excluded?
I have tried NortonSecurity.exe but not working.
Any suggestions to make backup work over wireguard VPN?
Hello Robert. I’m a bit confused regarding your initial post. You suggest that you’re using Windscribe VPN and want to use “split tunnel” to exclude Norton backup from the VPN. You can try adding the files buVss.exe or BuEng.dll located at this internal link:
C:\Program Files\Norton Security\Engine\
files buVss.exe or BuEng.dll are not working either.
Is there IP or Hostname that could be used?
Any other tweaks that could work?
The best offer I can send is add NortonSecurity.exe to the tunnel list. Lets see how that works.
That’s what I did as my first attempt. NortonSecurity.exe does not work.
There is also an error trying to up load attachment to this post.
Thanks for the post back. Regarding posting images. For some reason no one can post images unless we do so by uploading to an offsite URL. The linking the URL to the image here. Hope the Dev team gets that sorted and soon.
Looking at the executables for Norton the files I suggested before are the only ones I can find that are related to Norton backup. Norton may be blocking the VPN uploads to the cloud because of the IP address masking and telemetry it requires to validate where the data is coming from and its valid. Lets ask the community for their thoughts. I’ve never ran into this issue personally as I don’t use my VPN when running backups to the cloud.
I am guessing you are doing the backups while at home??? This Norton blog asks Do I need a VPN at home? | NortonLifeLock
I have had the VPN for years. I have been using the browser extension, without issues. Since I had issues with the Windows version of the VPN I rarely used it.
Since I had sometime to geek, I decided to fully setup the windows VPN by Windscribe. Slowly but surely tweeking it to make things work without having to turn it off. If it can be done it would be nice to have Norton cloud backup work using the VPN.
I am hoping someone has a fix. Big thank you if anyone can figure it out.
I realize that VPN’s sometimes are more bother than their worth. But with all the tweeks possible in the apps it surely can be fixed,