Executable Memory Attack?

I'm running norton

Yesterday the music player I use (Winamp v2)  started getting blocked by Norton due to

"Executable Memory attack exploit"

I am not concerned about the program itself;  I've never heard of such an exploit so I'm wondering what the risk of this vulnerability is - what could actually exploit it; before white-listing winamp.   Or if its just a false positive?

Dan you are most welcome sir. Glad we could help. Have an awesome weekend.


If you sever the program from the net completely looks like the risk is playing a tainted local file, or having a hacker that already compromised the system discover the ancient winamp and run their own payloads through it.

Thanks for the list of vulnerabilities and the alternative.  That was what I needed.

Hello Dan. Winamp v2 is extremely old and has multiple security CVE's issued as far back as 2013, you should be concerned with the program itself for those reasons. Plugins can also become an avenue for attack as well. In actuality Winamp hasn't been supported for security updates since no new stable version has been developed after version 5.666 from November 2013. I would seriously consider another program to replace it at your earliest convenience. Here is a great alternative.
