Exodus app been flagged as Malware

Exodus app a as just started being flagged as malware. This app as been on my phone for about 5 years and no problem until now. Need help finding out why it is being flagged.

I got a similar Norton warning advising to delete the app, so I scanned all my apps in Playstore with "Play Protect" and no issues were found. All safe, including Exodus.

Then opened Exodus in Playstore, Norton Playstore app scan confirmed "safe"

I believe Norton flagged the Exodus app because there's malware floating around that shares the same name, and I understand the malware has recently found its way to IOS. Maybe that's why Norton is being hyper vigilant atm.

Good news. Thanks for posting back.


I had update of 360 last night and all ok now. Thanks for the help

Thanks for your help. The last time it was updated was back in June, that’s why it’s so strange

Any chance there was a recent update to your Exodus app? Sometimes changes can trigger an alert. 

You can report false positive indications here   https://submit.norton.com/?type=FP