Expert Mode

I would like to have a feature where I can set 360 to Stabdard or Expert mode.

In Expert Mode some functions should have some extra options, like after Registry scanning/cleaning I could choose what to delete.

Thanks for the Idea PapauZ. I understand what you are asking but I would like to ask you to provide some more features to include in expert mode, apart from the registry cleaning option. Do you have any other features in mind?

Maybe Registry defrag, selecting which drive to defrag in Disk Optimization, in Temp clean-up again selecting which files to delete, or keep (eg. deleting everything, but keeping the Messenger chache files).

Adding the manual scheduling option like the one in NIS (automated ones should be still there, but if the user wants, there's an option to schedule extra scans).

Better history and temporary internet files clean-up for more browsers, like the one in Norton Utilities (supporting more browser).

Plus you can add path to clear when file clean-up is done (eg. unsupported Browser's temp files).
