Fake adobe and java update

I have norton internet security installed,prior to that i had one of the free ones downloaded online from microsoft.

I found the "browser/virus" astromenda just after the install and procceded to remove it, which i think i did.

I am now getting adobe reader and java update popups in the bottom right hand side of my screen telling me to install the latest versions.

These appear without even being online at the time.

I know both java and adobe are 100% up to date as i have been directly to the site to check,and the version numbers are nothing like.

I have turned off notifications of java and adobe updates to see if they continued,they did.

I fear these are a virus of some kind.

I have run several scans and the power eraser many times, nothing is ever found or removed.

Can anyone tell me how i can find and remove these items or at least stop the popups?