Back story - I have 3 licenses for Norton 360. My 3rd computer I had to reformat and needed to reinstal Norton, but my licenses were used up. so I needed authorization. Symantec would not respond to my request via email so I googled "Norton Customer Service" and took the first listing from Google. 24x7 Support Experts.
I called them, the tech could barely understand or speak English which was not a surprise so I allowed alot of leeway in order for him to help me. He asked to take remote control of my computer to make sure "Norton was not active" ...I told him it was a full reformat. He went into the CMD bar and typed "Computer still infected...may crash" He then ran some command and typed the same setance at the bottom.
I called him out on it "WTF are you doing?" He made up some crazy excuse, not worth repeating, then gave me the number for real Norton help..which I called and they eventually helped me. I called back the company and spoke to another man demanding to know what they are up to. It's not worth repeating the crazy excuses they were giving me, although amusing, it was obvious they are not a ligitmate company.
I advised them I would notify Norton that they are using their name and scamming customers, and also contact Google in regards to their listing. Just a head up, the company is a sham. I assume they want people to believe their computer is infected and charge them to remove it.
This is them, don't be fooled!
http://247supportexperts DOTCOM