False No Internet Connectivity Message

I am getting a false No Internet Connection message from within Norton Security Suite when it is obvious that there is an active connection.


For example, when editing Startup items, if I click on one to see what it is, I get the message and Norton says try again later and I can never get the info. I want.  Same thing when a notice comes up that a program is using lots of CPU.  I used to be able to add the program to the Do Not Monitor list but now I get the "No Internet Connection" message.


What's THAT all about?



Until Yank steps in, you can Try clicking on Support - Get Support to run  Autofix to check your Norton installation and fix what it finds.


Also be sure you have run LiveUpdate manually a few times, rebooting as necessary, until no updates are available.


Can you tell us what version of NSS you are using? Click on Support - About from the main NSS screen.


What Operating system and service pack are you using?




Hi Lenny472,


I have seen your post and am awaiting (since last night) your responses from peterweb's questions.


Also I am a bit confused in what you are saying about startup items - are you talking about within the msconfig area?  If so. clicking on any of my items does nothing excpet hi-light the item - there is no internet connection involved.  The same with Settings > Administrative Settings > Performance Monitoring > Program Exclusions (if that is what you are referring to by the "Do Not Monitor list")


If you could please explain a bit more so we can try to understand what you are doing.

I am getting a false No Internet Connection message from within Norton Security Suite when it is obvious that there is an active connection.


For example, when editing Startup items, if I click on one to see what it is, I get the message and Norton says try again later and I can never get the info. I want.  Same thing when a notice comes up that a program is using lots of CPU.  I used to be able to add the program to the Do Not Monitor list but now I get the "No Internet Connection" message.


What's THAT all about?





This may not be a N360.NSS specific thing. I am experiencing weird no internet connections with NIS 2012 / V19 on my Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit IE 10 and IE11 (both tried) system.


What is weird is that I have two active user desktops -- me and my wife -- with Fast User Switching between the two (a Windows setting so you don't have to log out to go to the other).


If she starts up the computer and goes to her desktop from the log in choice she gets "Internet not accessible" messages and can't get to say CNN or Explore.org (a live webcam site).


If I start up the computer and go to my desktop I usually can go to those sites if I don't rush things and allow my desktop to build (including a couple of gadgets that depend on web connection for weather data) I can access the internet and switching to her desktop she can access them also.


So something is holding up the internet connection. I work through a router to cable modem and it is only in the last month or two at the most that this has started to occur.


I tried reseting the Smart Firewall in NIS and I tried disabling it but I haven't pinned it down.



Further explanations of what's happening:

In Norton, when I go to Tasks and click Run Startup Manager, the left column is Program Names.  Each program is underlined.  I used to be able to click on that and get some info. About the program.  Now I get the  NORTON FILE INSIGHT Error "No Internet Connection.  Please check your connection and try again"


A similar message pops up when Norton alerts me that a program is using lots of CPU.  I used to be able to click the popup notice and Add that program to a "Do Not Notify" listing.  Now I can't access that list through the popup and I'm not sure how to get to that list otherwise.


I've run the AutoFix many times and never got anything about a problem.


Norton Security Suite
Windows 7 Home Premium
Norton Autofix Results: 0 item(s)

Additional information (continued)


I tried running Norton Insight from the Norton Tasks Menu.  I get an error there too.


Norton Insight cannot collect the necessary data because it cannot connect to the

Symantec server.


Please ensure that your computer is connected to the Internet and try again.



For what it's worth, I just checked Insight with my NIS 2012 / V19 and (a) it updated everything and (b) gave me information about wimail which was flagged pink in one of the columns ......


Later today I'll try and check one of my Windows 8 systems which has a current N360 on it and see what happens there.


As I mentioned earlier I do get the error message you mention as a screen with Internet Explorer if I try to access a website too soon after starting up the computer from shut down ....... so it may be interference from Norton while doing some initial scanning but I did try with Smart Firewall OFF and with AV Autoprotect OFF with no improvement.

Please try to run a manual LiveUpdate.


I'm trying to figure out if anything of Norton's can connect to the internet.


Also have you ever had any other Antivirus suite installed or perhaps another firewall such as Zone Alarm or Commodo?


Also what is the status of your Windows Firewall?



Norton Insight cannot collect the necessary data because it cannot connect to the

Symantec server






The message here is clear, I had it many times in the past and after a day or two it was auto-fixed.

It's probably a routing issue and N360 cannot connect to the Symantec server.

Reasons?? Many... From ISP congestion to a Symantec server congestion, or server being down for maintenance, or server being updated at that moment.

I think that it needs to be monitored a day or two and see if it's fixed.

It's one thing having an internet connection with up status and another thing if all the routing, incuded N360 to a Symantec server, can work properly at any given time.

P.S. reinstalling the product does not solve the issue, I've already tried in the past.

Hope this helps a little.





I tend to agree with Apostolos, but am trying to figure a bit more in regards to Lenny472's possible ramifications in regards to their Definitions updates etc - since it has been 5 days since they originally posted about the situation.


I have tried everything that Lenny posted does not function and throws the error and I can not duplicate it.  Also Hugh stated things were working fine for him - we are both in the southeastern US (Hugh in FL and I'm in MS) - so it could be a regional thing as suggested.


There is no telling as the weather has beenreally messed up cross the country - prhaps if Lenny would tell us where they are - someone else in that area may be able verify problems????



In addition to Yank's post I suspect that on this user's system the Idle or manual Insight Scan is outdated (have not ran for some days), so probably N360 is "confused" without recent info and starts the popups.

Apostolos wrote:

In addition to Yank's post I suspect that on this user's system the Idle or manual Insight Scan is outdated (have not ran for some days), so probably N360 is "confused" without recent info and starts the popups.

It would have been ages since I manually ran an Insight Scan, if at all, and I don't know about the idle time but I don't see anything in History to indicate when it might have run but it spent some time updating when I went to the current state report and I did not get any pop-ups.


What I reported earlier as seeing are not pop-ups as I envisage them but full page displays similar to a 404 but definitely not one of those. They are quite specific that there is no internet connection and my router does not show any sign of the PC trying to access the internet, which makes me think that it is internal to my system. More specifically as mentioned before it rarely occurs if I am the first of the two main users to attempt to get outside but always happens to my wife from her user account. If she waits long enough then she can access the internet ....

Hi Lenny472,


Have you rebooted the machine since this issue began?  If not, it would be something to try, or simply flush the DNS cache instead and see if that helps.

This has gone on for weeks now.  So, Yes, the computer has been rebooted.


To answer the Windows Firewall question.

Windows Firewall states that Norton is the Firewall.

Windows Firewall says Norton is running the Firewall.


I'll run another Live Update, but I've done that before already.


I'll post results of another Live Update.

Ran Live Update successfully.  Tried to run Norton Insight and I got the same error message.

The message comes up IMMEDIATELY.  Seems it doesn't even try to connect to anything.


Did you try flushing the DNS cache as SendOfJive suggested?


Here is a site that can help with that.   https://www.whatsmydns.net/flush-dns.html




I fushed the DNS cache sucessfully.  Still Norton Insight gets same error message.