False "warning" " malicious site"

My website has been falsely marked as " warning malicious " This is extremely damaging to my business and this needs to be resolved immediately. There is terrible customer service at Norton. I will be contacting the BBB & AG office if this is not resolved and I do not hear back by the end of the business day Sept 19 2022 1224 pm est. Web site being falsely targeted by Norton is; www.appletreevermont.com for which I am the owner. I've gone through normal channels at Norton to request a correction and no change was made nor information as to why my site has been wrongly marked.



https://safeweb.norton.com/report/show?url=https://www.appletreevermont.com/ = Safe -> Business/Economy

We'll try to call attention: 

Dispute submitted successfully

https://safeweb.norton.com/report/show?url=https://www.appletreevermont.com/ = Warning -> Malicious Sources/Malnets

Use this form to submit URL which you believe is incorrectly classified by Norton -
Safe Web URL submission portal - https://submit.norton.com/?type=URL

SafeWeb rating of the submitted website will be evaluated within the next 48 hours:

Site owners

If you are a website owner, Norton Safe Web can work with you to provide a safe environment for internet users.


You can submit a dispute here:
