Family vulnerable: doesn't record google or other search results

I've been testing my new installment of Norton Family. It's doing a good job of keeping safe search locked on different search engines. But the search monitoring has big holes. While it has reported search terms from Bing since this test, it has failed to report any search terms used on:


1. Google

2. Dogpile

3. Vimeo

4. Ixquick


All of this has been tested in chrome for win 7. Google search was tested both at and by searching using the chrome address bar.


Also the Norton Family settings for social monitoring doesn't seem to have any place for me to add social accounts even after I've turned social monitoring on.


I would value help to know how to fix these issues to make this work for our family.


P.S. Please note that Vimeo reports that it expects to release content filtering in the next month. Since vimeo includes nude videos that are not allowed on youtube, it would be helpful.


P.S.S. A few other positives: the UI is very well designed. And I have not seen any conflicts with other software like we ran into with AVG Family.