Features of NAT and the latest NAT plugin (

Since the latest upgrade I notice that the GPS icon keeps appearing in the notification bar when I was not aware I was using any app that needed it.  


I assume that it is being called up by the NAT plugin to locate the phone and seemed to prove this on three occasions by forcing the plugin to close and seeing the GPS icon vanish.  Oddly on a fourth occasion the GPS icon stayed visible for another 5-10 seconds so the evidence is not absolutely conclusive.  


What puzzles me is why the plugin was trying to find my position when I was not on line.  No data connection was enabled on any of the occasions (as far as I can remember) and so there was no way the plugin could pass on the information to the Server.  This surprised me but then I thought that it might be tying to build up a record ready to send to the server when it gets a connection.  This may not be a bad idea but it did in fact alert me to the activity of NAT, and GPS being enabled, which might not be good....  My option would have been just to do a fix when it can pass on the information, but others may see it differently.  


What this has also reminded me of, again, is my strong support for the more general issue of being able to tell NAT not to look for me, even every 24 hrs, unless I ask it to.  I would like to see two timing options added to the current list - do not bother to locate, and - locate now!  Surely this would save battery use and needless messaging.


I hope someone finds the above musing of interest.  


No urgent responses required - I am well aware that it is a weekend.     ;-)