1 : There should be an option to enable and disable at start up. Just like Skydrive, Dropbox and Google drive. I get your point " Norton Zone needs to run in the background in order to ensure you're always receiving the latest documents, photos, etc. to your Norton Zone folder. " But for advanced users the program should be flexible.
2: Suppose we add Norton zone in second computer, it's starts downloading all the content which we uploaded on to the first computer. There should be an option to control that. Prevent downloading what we don't want. ( if this option is already there let me know ). This may consume more bandwidth usage and lot of time to download the content if the content in the server is BIG which we don't need actually on the 2nd computer
3 : Norton Zone metro app :
There should be an option to select folders while uploading, not just files.
4 : When sharing :
The the owner of the file should the authority to decide whether the share person can edit, delete or rename etc the files.
That option seems to missing. And that's a great disadvantage.
I'd like to strongly endorse #3 for the Android app, too. I want to have all my essential files synched across devices--and there's just no practical way to do that one file at a time. Note that I have more or less abandoned the Wintel platform, so for the initial sync, the source device has to be my tablet.
I cannot reccomend this product to anyone if it takes over in such a way that the only way to stop it is to uninstall it. Quite rude actually, especially since your website indicates the MAC version does have an exit button. One can only assume you like to punish windows users by making their experience crappy? Thats the impression given, if thats not the impression your going for I would suggest changing it quickly.
Why would I choose Zone given this when dropbox doesnt remove my abilitly to :
1. Choose if I want it to auto start or not (apparently even advanced users are prevented from adjusting this in msconfig and being able to end the service from taskmanager and the services.msc as well).
2. Be able to start the program manually and exit manually so I can use it WHEN I WANT
This is the key point here, ppl need the option to choose.... dont choose for me or I want choose you at all, that simple.
I agree 100% with JohnMatthew, they can say what they want but this service essentially Hijacks your system, when you can not control the startup, or stop it from running. It will be un-installed from my system. I Do Not want a service running which I have no control of startup or stop.
I may consider re installation in the future if NORTON will allow system Administrator to control startup and stop features, the longer I type the more agitated I become. I never installed a program before that will not allow SYSTEM Administrator control.