Firefox 10 Support on Mac

Well, it seems like this is a constant battle.  Firefox and Safari make their updates, but Norton can't keep up.  Is this because Symantec is not allocating enough resources to the Online Family product?  It seems like it takes a vert long time for you to update your product, and by the time you make it compatible, the various browsers are updated again.  NOF is becoming more of a concept than a product, because I find that all too often my kids aren't protected on our computers (much of the time to my surprise).  I'm close to giving up on this, which is a shame because I really love this product (when it works correctly) and have told lots of parents about it. 


I've also been waiting for an iOS version of this so I could put on my kids' iPhone/iPad, but not sure if that's ever coming out (I assume this is same issue as having NOF work with Safari 5.1, which I don't think it has ever been compatible with since 5.1 was released).


At any rate, when will NOF be compatible with FF 10, Safari 5.1 and/or iOS 5?  I'd like you to also comment on Symantec's commitment to this product, as it seems to me that not enough of Symantec's investment dollars go toward keeping this product up to date.

