Firefox 12 hanging with latest NIS 2012 ( patch Again !

Window 7 - 64 bit - Fully Patched.

Firefox 12 - Release Stream up to date.

NIS 2012 -

Vunerability Plugin


Firefox happily working, suddently - "Profile in use" tried various combination of start and restart consistent if every restart or start after a normal exit., there is a firefox process left running ... so something is stopping the firefox process shutdow ... guess who again ...  Vunerability Plugin.


Created a firefox profile with only that plugin, if enabled, firefox won't restart / start without killing the windows process, disable that plugin - works perfectly.


So again we have incompatible firefox plugins (same symptom as last time), and this time it seems its Symantec who made the last change, no changes to Firefox since the Norton change (see sticky) and I'dont believe Windows update has run either. 


Symantec you really need to stop doing this.  How long for a fix ?

