FireFox 27.0.1

While that is a good idea, due to the ineptness of Norton updates, that announcement in the case of 27.0.1 was a bald faced lie!!!  I do exactly what you suggest and did not update Firefox until I viewed the linked website which stated that the patch was complete yet it was almost 3 weeks later when Norton issues a complete update that finally made the norton toolbar compatible with the new Firefox so while the page is an indication, it is not always true that the compatibility is there.


Thanks for the tip however, norton needs to make sure the page is true and not a lie as it was in this case.


Appreciate the link to your Norton update routine and the Mozilla Forum. Great forum I was not aware of. Very helpful, and I need all the help I can get.

Thanks, both.  You'll be aware from the linked thread that my defence of Norton wasn't very convincing.  Is it true that Norton do have advance knowledge of FF updates and therefore should be able to avoid what happened?



Hi iancol,


First of all I would like to know which AV maliz is using - as they call down Norton.  I am not a member of their forum, nor desire to be as FF is a browser I use only for testing with Norton situations.


In regards to some basic information as to what Norton does know and does not know ahead of time when it comes to FF updates.  Of course Norton knows when they are coming - FF publishes a schedule.  Norton has a good idea of what is going to be changed and what Norton has to change as a result of the FF changes.  What Norton does not know and what really throws a monkey wrench into the whole situation is when FF makes a last minute change that causes all the work that Norton has done to make the new FF version computable go by the roadside.  I do believe this happened a few FF updates ago where Norton had to redo a portion of their update due to last minute changes FF made. 


Also users need to remember that once a "fix" is developed, there is extensive testing on many different and varied system configurations that must be accomplished prior to it's release and I hate to say it, but it may not be the most earth shattering problem Norton is working on, so it may not be the absolute top priority.


As I said this is basic info and nothing in depth (nor Official), that type of info would have to come from Norton.  Now you can decide for yourself if Norton can avoid a delay from time to time. :smileywink:

Thanks for all your help Yank.  Perhaps one more help.  Just realized that I lost my internal vault when I deleted Norton and then simply downloade the latest version so know I  need to again delete everything, download the 2012 version and then upgrade to the current in order to keep my local vault.


Now the problem, am currently trying to export my data to a thumb drive and it has been over a half hour yet the Norton says it is downloading and there is a new file on my thumb drive but, with only 4kb of data.  Know I have lots more data and now more than 40 minutes later, still says exporting the data.  Do have an older backup from my local vault but, want the latest data.


Any way to speed this up or stop the seems to be hangup.  Did manage to stop the download once by rebooting my computer but, see no way to stop it or get it to download.  Very frustrating and how can the cloud be so slow.


Thanks in advance,

Hi David,


I just Logged into my Online Vault (I only have 111 log-ins) and did an Export in .csv  - 27 KB which took like 3 seconds and then did an Export in .dat - 279 KB and it took 6 seconds. 


So there appears to be something wrong with your operation.  There isn't a UAC awaiting your permissions or some other option on the USB Drive awaiting your input that may be hidden from view behind the Export screen?  


Perhaps a server problem? 


All I can think of is to reboot and try to get thru the Export again - possibly disconnecting the USB drive and reconnecting prior to trying the Export again.  Also be advised - you will need to Import the .csv format into 2012 - the .dat format from 2014 will not Import into 2012.

Thanks for the suggestions.  No UAC, tried it on two different thumbdrives in two different USB ports and finally after an hour gave up and X'd out the place that said it was downloading and then closed firefox and voila, the data started flowing into the thumb drive and eventually got a screen that said export complete.


Then tried for the CSV file and waited a long time and tried the same ploy and it didn't work so rebooted and the file shows 0 Kb.  Got your kind note and decided to try downloading to my desktop and same problem simply sitting there with 4 Kb in the desktop file and X'ing out the programso far doesn't do a thing as I can close Firefox and reopen it and still says downloading.


Must be a server issue that is storing the download but, not sending to my computer.  Must have the correct file as it is bigger than the file I saved on 2-18.  After awhile will simply end the download the only way I have found and that is a reboot and then go ahead and start the process of Norton 360 2012 then upgrading thus I keep the local vault which after all the trouble still is the best way.  Still will have the cloud if in an emergency I can get back all my logins.


Thanks for all your help.

Hi Yank,


Finally downloaded both the CSV and DAT files after a one hour or so download.  Can't understand the delay and the fact that during the hour, the files both maintained a 4 Kb size until the program told me that it had completed the download and at that time the files contained the complete download.


That being said, I then followed your procedure for getting back the local vault.  When V6 completed download, there was no toolbar in Firefox that would work with my current version so I went into the program itself and tried to login to my vault and it was strictly a cloud vault and I didn't put in my cloud password.  In hindsight, perhaps I should have looked for the toolbar in IE but, not sure that would have helped.   The program did not accept the fact that I have an active account and asked me to renew  my subscription which I did not do   Could not find any way to fully activate V6 even though I have almost 90 days left on my subscription to Norton.


I did continue the process without finding the local vault and now have the latest version with the toolbar working and only able to get to the cloud vault.  Would really like to try again so looking for any suggestions.  I have the downloaded files that I need so should be a much easier process and perhaps going to IE and opening the local vault there might be the solution as can't get the toolbar version with Norton V6 to be compatible.


Thanks again,

Have you run Liveupdate (rebooting when reuqested) until such time as LiveUpdate states "no updates found".  I do belive you will get a patch (or maybe more), but one of them shoulde be for the Norton toolbar Browser add-on - for FF 27.  If you go into FF and look at Add-ons, the NTB extension you desire is  Norton Toolbar2012.5.22.3 and it has to be enabled.  Without that specific extension, FF 27.01 will not have an NTB.


You can try with IE, but not sure that will help you.  I think your best bet right now is to run Liveupdate as suggested above.


I'll be out for about 6 hours or so, but I'll recheck when I get back - if nothing new, I'll catch you tomorrow.


<edit> just to double check - where are you getting "my procedure" from?  Can you provide a link to it so I can double check?

First and best of all I have my local vault back and get a choice of cloud or local when I log in and it is working better than the cloud which at times did not give me choices or open the listing and I firmly believe that to be because of the time although small it takes to download from the cloud vs. coming from my own computer.
Anyway, I got your instructions from the thread Identity Safe  I changed my rom local to cloud can I change back.
Did not need the Firefox Norton toolbar in order to recreate my local vault.  Ended up getting two different tool bars in Firefox, 2014.6.0.27 and 2012.5.6.10 and not the one you specified, 5012.5.22.3
I did need to activate the V6 of Norton in order to make it work.  Even with an active subscription, V6 tried to activate but, couldn't.  I had to go to my Norton Account and find the active Key and copy it and then activate the V6 with this key.  It worked and once activated was able to import my logins into my local vault so that was a great sign.

yank wrote:

Have you run Liveupdate (rebooting when reuqested) until such time as LiveUpdate states "no updates found".  I do belive you will get a patch (or maybe more), but one of them shoulde be for the Norton toolbar Browser add-on - for FF 27.  If you go into FF and look at Add-ons, the NTB extension you desire is  Norton Toolbar2012.5.22.3 and it has to be enabled.  Without that specific extension, FF 27.01 will not have an NTB.


You can try with IE, but not sure that will help you.  I think your best bet right now is to run Liveupdate as suggested above.


I'll be out for about 6 hours or so, but I'll recheck when I get back - if nothing new, I'll catch you tomorrow.


<edit> just to double check - where are you getting "my procedure" from?  Can you provide a link to it so I can double check?


Hi David,


Well it sounds like good news.


In regards to your choice of Local or Online.  Be careful when you open ID Safe as it will ask you if you want to conveert to Online and if you do convert, you will lose your Local Vault.  You should have an option to Keep Both - which I have selected, as I like to have both available for troubleshooting purposes when answering questons on the forums.



I am still curious about the NTB extention in FF 27.0.1.  I assume you have run LiveUpdate until your received the specific words "no updates found".


I'm glad you figured it out and hope you got things working to your satisfaction - if not or if any more questions - you know where to find us.



Regarding the NTB version, it is fine now that I have the latest Norton 360 and the differences were in the 360 V 6 which is not a problem as don't need the toolbar to set up the local vault.  I did that after activating the V 6 and simply set up my local vault and then imported my passcards.


Hope you noted the additions I provided that you really should add to your description of how to go back and pick up the local vault.


As far as your comments about not moving to the cloud vault, let me ask again as don't think you understood my question.  I fully understand the need to not click the change to cloud vault but, want to know if when given a choice during the log in process if I log into the cloud vault, will I next time I log in again get the option for local or cloud.


That is I don't think logging into one or the other of the vaults will remove my ability to get into my local vault.  Please confirm are explain.


Thanks again,

OK David - I now understand the situation in regards to the NTB not being the correct one in V6.


If you deicde to retain both the Local and the Online Vault by slecting KEEP Both, then you will have both (as you know avoid the Merge Option).  I call this the "nag screen", it use to come up all the time, but should in fact disappear once selected, but does reappear (I believe once every 30 days when opening the Local vault) so stay alert for it.


NIS V21 Go Cloud.PNG


It is OK to log into either vault.  I go from Online to Local Vault a few times a day depending on what troubleshooting (trying to duplicate situations on the forum) I am doing and which Vault the users are talking about.


Logging in and using the Online Vault will not do anything to your Local Vault and vice-versa.  There is however no syncing of the two vaults - the log-ins remain separate and do not sync with each other.  That said I have figured out a way to get them to match - but it is a bit of a long drawn out method.


One thing I noticed is that the Online Vault tends to respond slower than the Local, so I use the Local more than the Online.


In regards to noting your addtions, I have made note of what you said and to be honest, this is the first time I have heard of V6 having to be manually activated (except after something like a reformat, system recovery or the like) by entering the product key.   The only thing I can think of that might be different is because ti was N 360 and it has a Standard and a Premier edition and the keys are not interchangeable?   I do expect feed back from others who are familiar with the revert to the 2012 product.  @peterweb   @Krusty13   


Hope that answers all of your questions - if not we're not going anywhere, you'll know where to find us!  :smileywink:


This message has been moved to a thread of its own.