Firefox 28 crashes using NIS toolbar

Hi everyone


I am having a tough time lately with Firefox crashing whenever I use the open Identity Safe vault for auto log ins. I have been a Firefox and NIS user for years and never experienced this before. It seems to have occured following the update to FF 28. I get about 4 uses out of the login vault before the next use of it closes FF. Other than that the vault is working perfectly as it is meant to. Haven't experienced FF crashing other than when using the vault. The problem doesn't occur when working inside FF itself without using the vault.


I have NIS version and regularly update manually on top of the live update process.

As I say, I am running FF 28 and have the Norton Toolbar extension 2014.7.0.43


I'm getting pretty frustrated constantly submitting FF crash reports for what is now weeks.


Anyone else experincing this?


I would be grateful for any ideas as how to remedy this situation and/or any advice from Norton on this problem.




*******PS. straight after posting this went to access another login from the vault and FF went down again