Firewall problem - Skpye



I have Norton Antivirus on my PC, but something happened.


I could use Skype for phone calls before, but now something blocks it now (I can send messages by Skype, but the program immediately closes, when initiating voice call).


I checked the PC:

- switched off Stopzilla

- stooped Norton's functions (by the switches, which appears on the main screen of Norton)

- uninstalled Skype and installed again

- several reboots


No change.


I saw that Windows Firewall is off, but Norton firewall is active.

I guess a setting problem in Norton Firewall can be the problem.


How can I change the settings of Norton Firewall?

What should be changed to enable voice calls for Skype?





Kedves Zoltán!


Az alábbi módon tudja a Skype programot engedélyezni a Norton tűzfalon:

1. Nyissa meg a NIS főablakát

2. Kattinson a Beállítások gombra

3. Itt a Hálózati beállítások között keresse meg a Program szabályok opciót

4. Kattinston a [konfigurálás+] gombra

5. Egy új ablak fog megnyílni, benne egy list az össze programról, melyet a Norton program korábban már beállított

6. Keresse meg a listán a Skype-t

7. A jobb oldalon lévő legördülő menüben állítsa át az Automatikus-ról Engedélyezre a Skype beállítását

8. Kattintson az OK gombra

9. Kattintson ismét az OK gombra

10. Zárja be a NIS főablakot

11. Próbálja ki, hogy most működik-e már a Skype hívás


Várjuk választát, hogy sikerült-e megoldani a problémát.




Try to edit Skype's program rule

1. Open NIS main Window

2. Go to Settings -> Network Settings ->Program rules

3. Click on [Configure+]

4. On the new window you will find a list with the previously configured programs

5. Find Skype on the list

6. Change it from Auto to Allow

7. Click OK

8.Click OK

9. Close NIS

10. Test Skype


Let us know the results.

Hi PapauZ


Unfortunately I could not solve still the problem.

I have Norton Antivirus. I suppose NIS is other product.


I could find Settings / Network Settings with the following menu items:

- Browser Protection

- Download intelligence

- Email protection

- Instant messenger scan

- Intrusion Prevention

- Network Security Map


Which direction should I continue?






Hi ha1ca,


It sounds like Skype is crashing rather than being blocked by a firewall.  Sounds like a similar issue being reported here:




I made another test: If I switched off Intrusion Autoblock from Norton, I could speak by Skype.

(Settings / Network Settings / Intrusion Prevention / Intrusion Autoblock / Configure / Autoblock Off)

But this swicth off fully the intrusion prevention, not only Skype.


I hope that there is a better solution.


Operating System: XP

Windows Firewall: Off






In Skype's settings, under the Special -> Connection which port is set for use? And is the "use port 80/443 instead" option on?

Hi ha1ca,


Can you check the Norton Intrusion Prevention log in Security History and see if there are any entries that might be related to your Skype outages?



Yes, it crashed (disappear) when making a voice call.


Skype settings:


PC, where Skype does not work

port for incoming calls: 17904

x (checked) 80/443 port can be used for incoming calls


My other PC, where I can initiate Skype call

port for incoming calls: 52366

x (checked) 80/443 port can be used for incoming calls



Hi, I attached the screenshot about intrusion prevention history. Thanks Zoltan

Sorry, I can not add file.


I checked 1 week time interval, where I used Skpye.

All item in the history: detected

List items were 2 types:

- looks like an update ("intrusion prevention engine version xxx, definition version set xxx)

- "intrusion prevention has been enabled"



There is no screen shot attached to your post.


Also, please try uninstalling StopZilla and see if that makes a difference. StopZilla may have interfered with the installation of the Norton product. Thanks