Flagging questionable content

Is there a way for certain categories of web searches to be flagged for the parent but not blocked or go through the warning for the child?  Some categories I'd like to quickly know where visited, but the kids don't necessarily need a warning for it.  Thanks!

Could you be more specific of the exact steps you would prefer to happen?

If a child tries to go to web pages with certain site categories (i.e. adult content or weapons), is there a way to notify the parent while not giving a warning to the child?  For instance, if a child tries to go to a website on guns is there a way to set it up that I am notified but he isn't given a warning or blocked from it?  Does that help?

Or is there a way to quickly see if a certain category of websites has been visited?  I see that you can sort by category on the web activity page, but it only does it for the page you are on.  To go back through days (or weeks) of web activity pages and sort each one by category to see if the "mature content" category was visited doesn't really work.

Ok, the product is not designed to run in "stealth" mode where the child doesn't know what is going on. One of the goals of the product is to help with the communication with parent and child and facilitate those conversation starters.


As for a summary, if you click on the summary tab you will see a table indicating most visited site category etc...

Thanks!  Appreciate the response and help!