Flash Player 11.4.402.​265 - script error

I tried several times to download the flash player from the Adobe site, but I keep getting a script error that says -



An error has occurred on this page.

Line:  1

Char:  12565

Error:  Object expected

Code:  0



Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?


Yes     No



My question:  I searched for information on the error and one suggestion was to downloaded the Flash Player from the "filehippo" site.  Is this site safe to download from?


For your information:  When I tried to download the previous version, I had  the same problem; but was able to download the player succesfully the second time.  However, For this latest version, I tried several times unsuccessfully.  Until these last two versions, I have never experienced problems in downloading the player.



HP computer

Windows XP SP3


NIS 2012