Framework and update problems - Help please

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Any other security software installed?


No other security software installed - I had removed all of this when I got 360 6 months ago because it provided everything.


Thanks, Tom 

What was installed before N360?

Hi Stu - thanks for your help.


I had ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite for Vista installed (another complete security solution). I had to find another product (eg. 360) because ZA was consuming so many resources that my high performance PC was very slow. I paid up for that licence and then for Norton 360 - I've got to say, I'm getting a little frustrated with what looks to me like broken products that people pay good money for.


Regards, Tom 


Tom, I have the same problem with my email, however, when I re-start my computer it seems to work okay until that dreaded message comes up again. 


Please run the Norton Removal Tool

than try these actions


After that reinstall Norton again


maybe this will help

Thanks Stu. I'll give it a go.



I thought your solution had done the trick Stu. The system was stable for a couple of days after running thru your suggestion but the framework problem has started up again.


The POP3 email and backup issues seem to be fixed though. 


Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Hi, Tom--


I regret to say I have no solutions, but I wanted to add my voice as having EXACTLY the same problem and symptoms in the same environment: Vista Ultimate SP1.  My problem started after version 2 was installed; it was fine for months before that.


I didn't use Zone Alarm; this was the first security software I had used on a new machine.


From what I can tell researching this, it is a problem with a great many people, but Symantec has no idea what causes it.  No amount of clean removal and re-installation will prevent it from coming back.  It is not a problem with a corrupted installation--it's a problem with a clean one.


I liked Norton 360 compared to other Norton bloatware before now.  But this renders it almost unusable, if only because of (1) incessant Framework messages, (2) you need to keep "Fixing" Norton 360, and (3) I have to reboot to use POP3 e-mail again, which lasts about 15-60 minutes.


If you ever learn anything else, please, PLEASE let me know.  Also, FWIW, I never did install the Add-on package.  Should I?  It seemed a bit like throwing gas on the fire.






Hi Kip - agreed, the Add-on pack seemed superfluous when the first suggestion from the super users on the forum was to uninstall it whenever there was a problem. Re: POP3 - have you tried setting up your email client for IMAP? The way it’s used is a little different but at least you’ll be able to pick up your email without rebooting. Thanks to Stu (who I assume is not from Symantec) for trying to help out so far. I would appreciate a response from a Symantec representative however about: 1. A simple explanation why the framework error is occurring? 2. A definitive fix for the problem. 3. Failing resolution, a refund or alternative product that WILL work Tom

Anyone have a solution to the Framework stopped problem?


I tried the latest update ( but it still occurs.



Any point in checking for more recent versions of MS Framework?


Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

I think I've got the latest version of .NET framework. How does the MS framework impact on the Symantec one?



Spaniel wrote:

I think I've got the latest version of .NET framework. How does the MS framework impact on the Symantec one?




No idea ! I've no conception of what goes on inside these things.

Well, I have to write the epitaph of Norton 360, at least for me.


Since my last post, I realized this issue was causing still another problem.  My PC wouldn’t hibernate or go to standby, since the Framework issue kept it awake.  And if I put it to sleep manually, Symantec Framework would wake it up.  My PC remains on permanently whether I want it to or not.  Together with the problems I listed earlier, I was forced to do something.


Since it’s clear that Symantec’s only answer to every problem is to (1) use their software removal tool, (2) reinstall, and (3) run LiveUpdate a hundred times, I’ve given up.  Symantec seems unwilling or unable to attack this kind of problem via any other means.


So I purchased a competitor’s product that is remarkably similar, and nearly free after a $70 rebate from Fry’s.  All of my problems disappeared.  That is what I recommend others do to solve this issue.


The sad part of this is that I think Norton 360 was a good product.  It was designed from the ground up and was much less resource-intensive than its immediate Norton predecessors.  But my theory is that the poor souls who built Norton 360 suffer from Symantec’s legacy.  The Framework issue isn’t a 360 issue; it’s something that plagues several Norton products and is a result of a long history or prior software that WASN’T built from the ground up.  This must frustrate the designers of Norton 360 no end.  The reason the competitor’s product works better isn’t because it’s inherently better.  It’s because it doesn’t have to navigate over all the potholes that previous engineers left them to drive on.  If Norton 360 was built COMPLETELY from the ground up without relying on any other Symantec foundation code, it would probably be fine.  At least that’s my theory.


Many thanks to those who tried to help.


Peter Norton must be turning over in his grave before he’s dead.

Quantum, I couldn't agree more - I have had to submit to Symantec's deafening silence on this as well. Since my POP3 email problem came back and the Framework issue persisted, I've uninstalled 360, using the Removal Tool for the final time and installed well reviewed and so far robust freeware firewall, antivirus and anti-malware.


There's no guarantee that these products will fare any better but at least I'll not have wasted any money on them.


My thanks to all in the community for trying to help out. Pity there was no word from the Symantec crowd.


Cheers, Tom

As stated in similar threads on the Norton 360 board, while this issue may appear to be a single issue, we may be looking at multiple causes. I apologize for the delay in response; our team is researching this problem and hopes to have it resolved soon. We may need additional information from some of you to help resolve the issue. If you are willing to help, please let me know. Thanks!



Thanks, Tony--


I would have willing to help debug this issue if I'd heard from you earlier.  But the symptoms became so debilitating that I had to move to another solution for our Vista machines.  Right now, I'm thrilled I did because the PCs are purring along great, which upgraded our efficiency no end.  The Framework problem is a nasty one.


However, we do have four machines running 360 in an XP environment, and so far they're unaffected.  If you do find a solution, please post it on this thread and we'll consider migrating the Vista machines back for the sake of consistency.

