Free Trial Norton 360 app on Google Play Store

Good Afternoon,

Whereas I am very happy with the good advice & help which I have received on these forums...Norton Support could use a great deal of improvement!

I have a Norton 360 subscription (my HP laptop) and, recently, downloaded an Norton 360 app from Google Play Store on my Samsung Galaxy that I could "plug-in" my details and have Norton 360 on another device, however, the whole "plug-in" aspect did not work.

peterweb tried to help me out on the 360 Android forum ("Old Guy asking for help Android Samsung Galaxy how to install on another device"). peterweb NICE Canadian Guy that he is was baffled why its not working (me too), hence I tried to contact Norton Support. The phone # 1-800-745-6034 comes up as Spam on my smartphone.

Okay lets try doing this in chat. I filled out the questionnaire and was given a case number (76286680), yet when I clicked on Chat Now...nothing happened...NO agent!

All I want to do, at this point, is not to be overbilled. I ALREADY have a Norton 360 subscription (HP Laptop), yet I need to cancel the free trial before the period ends and I get billed for a second account (which I do not need).

I would appreciate all advice & help from the Good People on this forum, "THANK YOU"! (in advance)   :o)