Frequent Failed Cumulative Windows Updates

There have been many of these, particularly since October 2016. Anyone who searches the Microsoft Community for help will find literally dozens of threads and if you drill down you find that most have had no replies. If you need proof, just search for KB3206632.

Yet if you look at a recent, large thread eg  you'll see an MVP telling the new poster to create their own thread (just adding to that queue) and getting the Moderators to split off their post into a new thread. (There were probably a dozen others but they've since been split off.) His dismisses these new posts with an unfair & unprofessional criticism that they are no more than "Me, too! F*** Microsoft!" gripers”. I disagree - they just want / need help and instead get sarcasm.

He wants individual threads so he can question them - his standard approach is that Norton / McAfee are probably to blame*** & his individual approach worked for me last year when I found I had a trial version of McAfee pre-installed.

But these repeated WU failures are believed by many to be caused by programming errors. So I suggested a new approach - that FOs/FMs should created a separate thread for every failed WU so that Users can compare notes/advice.

I'm delighted to report that that the Moderation Requests FO has confirmed that my "suggestion has been forwarded. We'll let you know once we receive any feedback."

In the meantime (thinking I'd been ignored) I created this thread to see if there is any support for my suggestion.

I've since been PMd by a well-known (former) MS Community contributor that they won't take up my suggestion as to do so would be an admission that MS is getting Cumulative WUs so badly wrong - but we'll see!

Have any of you had Failed Cumulative WUs? If so I'd be interested to read your views on my thread. TIA. 

*** I've raised this 'Blame Norton' comments here before but the management aren't interested/bothered that Norton is being blamed & so are possibly losing sales as a result of his repeated comments.