Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Wow, I see and can imagine you are really angry.
Would you be so kind to explain your exact problem in short, so we over here can try to help you?
I have has some - mostly everytime I contact Tech. or Cust. Support - awful terrible some Customer Service too and I am sick of it. symantec need to seriously address this awful Tech. and Cust. Support.
However, recently, I have had a good Customer Service, via e-mail.
Floating_Red wrote:I have has some - mostly everytime I contact Tech. or Cust. Support - awful terrible some Customer Service too and I am sick of it. symantec need to seriously address this awful Tech. and Cust. Support.
However, recently, I have had a good Customer Service, via e-mail.
That's probably one ofthe reasons why this forum was designed.
Here are lot's of Symantec experts
Stu wrote:
Floating_Red wrote:I have has some - mostly everytime I contact Tech. or Cust. Support - awful terrible some Customer Service too and I am sick of it. symantec need to seriously address this awful Tech. and Cust. Support.
However, recently, I have had a good Customer Service, via e-mail.
That's probably one ofthe reasons why this forum was designed.
Here are lot's of Symantec experts
Yeah, I guessed that why this Forum was Created - which is an excellent idea!
Hi, my exact problem is that I don’t have any anti-virus protection. I uninstalled it on the advice of customer service and the file they told me to download to reinstall it is corrupted and so doesn’t work. I tried 3 times to do it (at 4 hours each per download) while my computer was on the internet totally unprotected.
Try using the Norton Removal Tool again and then try to re-install your Product.
Where are you trying to download the file from?
Hi ReginaODwyer,
I'm in Australia and I could hear your anger and frustration loud and clear. Thank you for sharing your story.
You kinda landed on your feet by coming here. The Symantec tech folk are very good (here) and they most certainly do get back to you when they say they will. Besides, lots of others are interested and want to knowhow things are progressing.
Stu and FloatingRed are brilliant at sorting out the technical issues you raised - you are in most capable hands. Hopefully that aspect of your post will be resolved quickly.
I would never again bother wasting my time with Symantec on-line tech support... See my post here. I really feel bad for those tech people. The person I dealt with may have been simultaneously fielding a number of problems: lots of pressure / language issues. Not good for either party.
I pay to use Symantec software. It's really not a lot of money and I have no expectation of receiving any serious tech support beyond installation help.
Professional tech support is very expensive - MS charge a lot and from my perspective, it's money well spent. Lots of enthusiasts help each other out - keep costs down and skills honed. If I really needed Symantec tech support then I'd expect to pay a fair price for it.
However, when the problem is caused by flawed record keeping or faulty systems (servers / software / infrastructure etc) that gobble up my subscription then I expect customer support to press a button and fix it on the spot. It's a "no brainer".
Things get complicated when the record keeper is also the Judge.
Most Symantec software (NIS2008 for example) is great. I'll use the product because I believe it's the best at what it does within the price range I can afford: don't need to love the company. Yes, there are alternatives from which to choose. There is the first problem ... are you really prepared to cop a second best security system becasue you don't like the support you received? The second problem ... tech support costs money: there is no way around this simple fact. Whichever company we use, they need to turn a profit so that we get the best possible software. Poor software support is not unique to Symantec - take a look at the forums at Zonelabs, PC-Cillan, Kapersky etc.
Let's suppose that Symantec offered customers two product choices (1) NIS2008 with support through the forum - $60; or (2) Full tech suppport to cover three incidents - $200.
What choice will you make? What do you think others will make?
And there is the core issue caveat emptor.
ReginaODwyer wrote:
Hi, my exact problem is that I don't have any anti-virus protection. I uninstalled it on the advice of customer service and the file they told me to download to reinstall it is corrupted and so doesn't work. I tried 3 times to do it (at 4 hours each per download) while my computer was on the internet totally unprotected.
Unfortunitly, this is where the situation gets really sticky....
mcullet's post puts some issues into perspective, but the issue that's missing here is why the download is bad? Or wait, is it bad? I think too often when this assertion gets made it may not always be the fault of a downloaded file. Could it be that something on the system (i.e. malware) is trying to block the installation?
Normally the download process includes error checking to make sure the file that arrives is the same file that was sent and isn't missing anything. My guess would be that if the download completed without error that the file you have is good, the question to ask is why won't it install.....
Sorry to hear about your bad experience with support. Lets hope we can help you on the forum.
As mentioned, what is the exact location of the file download?
Is there an error message when you try and run the downloaded exe straight away?? like "this is not a valid win32 application" ??
What size is the download?
To help we need to distinguish between a download problem and an installation error
If it is a download problem from the symantec store, try using tool number 3 from the following link http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/tsgeninfo.nsf/docid/2005103109480139
Once we get the EXACT error message we can help further.
There is one thing that Tech. Support can do that this Forum cannot: To go in to your system to try and Resolve your error, and that is why symantec need to improve it's Tech. and Cust. Support.
With regard to the File Download, if I remember, it is about 60.0.
Just so I understand this right: You cannot Download N.I.S. 2008 or you cannot Download and Install N.I.S. 2008? Or can you Download and not Install?
Hi All,
Thanks for the feedback regarding support. This is a particular focus area for us. I'd love to learn more about what specific kinds of areas you believe we need to focus in on - there are a lot of people that respond to our feedback indicating that they were very pleased with the experience, and plenty of folks who were not. The area where it sometimes breaks down is in details about what went wrong for the customer.
I also appreciate all the folks chipping in for Regina to help learn where exactly the problem with downloading lay - you guys are really great.
Additionally, I will close this thread since a member of our Customer Support team will be contacting Regina soon.