Hi all
Very perplexing one here and I just don't know what to do or where to turn to!
First off - have been using WS-FTP LE for ages now with no complaints. A few days ago, I couldn't connect to FTP server. Hosts Support team said all was ok and problem must be my end. They also recommended I use FileZilla - which I downloaded and installed.
My basic set-up here is; small office network with laptop, PC and printer connected to BELKIN router. Laptop (mine) is running Win7 (32bit) with NIS v19.2.0.10. PC is Win7 (64bit) with AVG.
Laptop can connect to one host (BT) for 2 domains, but FZ times out on transferring files. Laptop can not connect to other host (Powweb) for most of my domains! :-( Active or Passive modes, firewall on or off, allowed/truested programs, connection rules, etc... all checked, fiddled and played with. No difference. I've almost worn out FZ's Network Config Wizard!
Network Config Wizard settings:
- Passive mode - allow fallback
- Fallback to active mode
- Get external IP address from FileZilla URL
- Don't use external IP address on local connections
- Ask Op System for port
Here's the Network Config Wizard log:
Connecting to probe.filezilla-project.org
Response: 220 FZ router and firewall tester ready
USER FileZilla
Response: 331 Give any password.
PASS 3.5.2
Response: 230 logged on.
Checking for correct external IP address
Retrieving external IP address from http://ip.filezilla-project.org/ip.php
Checking for correct external IP address
IP ib-bcj-de-a
Response: 200 OK
PREP 52378 Response: 200 Using port 52378, data token 939698589
PORT 81,129,34,0,204,154
Response: 200 PORT command successful
Response: 150 opening data connection
Response: 503 Failure of data connection.
Server sent unexpected reply.
Connection closed
I have Googled FileZilla and 503 Failure of data connection - looked thru results and found nothing helpful.
But a few days ago, I successfully connected to BT host from work. Unsure if I could transfer files (will try tonight).
NIS settings - Program Control for FileZilla FTP Client (filezilla.exe) is set to Allow and NOT Auto (as has been recommended in some posts I've read)
I'm sure you'll want to know more specific info, but basically this one has me stumped! After thinking prob could be with either laptop, Norton or router, the fact that;
- laptop connects to Powweb but FileZilla/WS FTP/Windows times-out waiting for directory listing
- laptop gets a directory listing from BT host but times-out during file transfers
- laptop connects to both hosts when using a different connection (ie: at work rather than at home)
(NOTE: Unknown if I can transfer files from work's connection)
- PC connects to Powweb and successfully transfers files
Can anyone shed any light on this for me?
Here's hoping! Thanks in anticipation.