Full HD with Norton Temp Folders

Hello. I have seen similar questions, though maybe not exact situation. I have N360 v.2, and my computer (150G drive, XP) is 60% full of temp files of virus defs that appear not to be auto deleting. I need to remove these. Is there a process other than uninstalling? The computer is old, 2004, but most of these temp files are from within this last year.


Thanks for an answer or pointing me to an existing one. 



Your security is several years out of date and you are entitled to upgrade to a more current version for free.  Malware and viruses have evolved a lot in that time and so have antivirus packages.  I would suggest you at least upgrade to N360v6, the current version is v20 (or would be v7 but they have changed how N360 is labeled).  XP is compatible with the newer versions as long as you have Service Pack 2 or later (SP3 is recommended).  You would probably find the newer versions use less system resources as well.


Let us know if this is something you would consider and we can give you steps.

Thanks, Krusty. Your solution did the trick, I appreciate your "volunteering" to help. I had service pack 3 in place, BTW. JohnnyGee. 

Glad to help.  Thanks for letting us know.