Full System Scan

We bought a new computer two weeks ago (8.1 64 bit) because of XP support ending soon.  At the same time, had our computer tech install NIS 14 ( on both the 8.1 and XP computers.


When I run a full system scan on the 8.1 computer, it takes about 20 minutes, plus/minus.  Today's scan took 17:55 minutes, 290,728 files.  I checked the history files and the 1st scan took 21:19, 308,434 files.  I norrmally run this scan once a week.


I got concerned because I'm used to full system scans taking over an hour.  The full system scan on m XP takes about 1.5 hours to complete, with about 1,500,000 plus files.


Am I worrying over northing?  I just want to make sure that NIS is fully protecting my new computer.


Thank you.


Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit

hard drive:  930 GB, 827 GB free

ram:  8 GB

NIS14 (