Full system virus scan vs. Idle full system scan -----Norton system works 12 standard



   Sorry if I have asked this question already. My memory isn't that good in my old age. I have system works 12 standard and am running xp pro with sp 3 all updated.  I usually have a weekly Idle Full System Scan that has been running every 7 days like it should run since my reinstall of system works back around the middle of April. I ran a full system scan that wasn't an idle one on the same day that the idle one ran. They both came up clean as i expected. What I would like to know is will my idle full system scan run next week without a problem since the manual full system scan was run. It was not a scheduled full system scan and my settings are still on idle weekly scans. I would just like to make sure I didn't do anything wrong by running that manual full system scan. I had a problem before with the weekly idle scans stopping and not running until my son had to uninstall and reinstall the program. I hope it won't interfere with the idle scan running next week. Also would the 7 days start from the last idle full scan or from the time of the manual full scan? The manual full scan was run after the idle one on the same day. Thank you in advance. I hope some one can answer me and reassure me that the idle scan will run next Tues. so I can try and relax until Tues. to see. I hope my son doesn't have to reinstall this program for me again.

From what I’ve seen on my program, NIS2009, you can run as many manual scans as you like without changing the date of the idle full system scan.  You do want to be careful that you don’t accidentally get them both going at the same time.



    My Idle full system scan ran Tues. morning and finished around 4 AM. Live Support insisted that I run a manual one even though I told him that the idle full system scan had just run the same day.They both came out clean and the same original problem still exists. I'll live with that problem though as long as my idle full system scans run. I haven't had good results with email support or with live support. Live support called me. That is why I started coming to this forum after my bad experience with email support and ended up with live support calling me which is what I wanted to avoid.The manual one finished around 4 PM on Tues. also. So hopefully then my idle full system scan should start running around 4 AM next Tues. as if the manual one never ran. Thanks.



    If my son needs to uninstall and reinstall System Works 12 standard for me, is there a place I can get the latest download of the program? I originally bought it online in a box, but not from Symantec, so my cd starts out with the older version of the antivirus part than is currently being used. Just would like to make this process as short as possible in case my son has to reinstall it for me. Thanks.

There is a trial version here  but it doesn’t say anything about whether it is the updated version. Hopefully one of the Symantec staff will be able to tell us if this has been updated at Digital River.



     At least my idle full system scan did run last night as it should have. Still having my other problem though.

What is the other problem?  I thought the question was on the Idle Full System Scan.  Refresh MY old memory.



    The other problem is in this thread.





  My idle full system scan did run this morning as I mentioned before and finished around 5:10 AM approximately. The last idle quick scan ran just before 4 AM. During the week, I usually have another idle quick scan done by now.  My computer has been idle at times also. Usually during the week, I get like 3 idle quick scans a day. So far it's just the 1 idle quick scan, maybe it just a slow day for antivirus definition updates along with the corresponding idle quick scans. When I have problems with one part of System Works or the antivirus part, it makes me a little more nervous about my computer working as it should be. Sorry if I am getting a little too anxious here or impatient.

Since my last post on this thread, I have had a few sessions with Symantec people coming into my computer to try and fix this recycle bin problem. The last one that came into my computer was a different guy who had been coming in previously. The last one that came into my computer was on last Friday night. I'm not too crazy about having other people come into my computer to start with, but this one said all he was going to do was to take some copies of logs so they can analyze them and then upload them to Symantec. Besides trying to do that, he tried some other things that the first guy did and it didn't work for the first guy and didn't work for the 2nd guy either like I knew it wouldn't work. Some how with all his messing around in my puter, I know he messed up my icons that were on my desktop. I was kind of upset with all his monkeying around doing other stuff than just taking the logs, so I got my son to come over while he was still monkeying around. I had a feeling that more stuff might have been messed up also. I was nervous about my idle full system scan running since that was the problem I had when I think I started coming here. Last week, my idle full system scan ran like it should have almost to the minute. This week after his messing around, my scan hasn't run yet. It should have run a little after 5 AM this morning. I know it can run any time within a 24 hour period while it is waiting for the computer to be idle. I have had the idle quick scan run twice since the time that the full one should have run today so far. My computer has been idle long enough so if that full scan would start to run, I would have seen it at least start. So far no sign of the full idle system scan today.

     Another symantec guy wanted to come into my computer last night again to take some more logs, but i didn't want him coming into my computer after the last experience and my son isn't around here this week to come over either. Now it appears I have the original problem back of not having the weekly idle full scan running. The last time this problem happened, it was caused by a faulty cmos battery, but that's not the case now. I'm assuming I am going to have to get my son to uninstall and reinstall system works standard again for me when he gets back home from his trip. After all these times of having Symantec come into my computer, the problem with my NProtect still exists and now I have back the scanning problem too it appears.. I'm not a happy camper right now and I'm not computer literate to do fixings by myself without having my son near by to fix things for me. I'm a senior citizen here, and I'm not that knowledgeable either. I do get nervous when scans don't run like they should and did run. My son won't be back till next week and then he has to go back to work too. I hope my computer will work now while he is away. I doubt that this idle scan will run any more today if it hasn't started running by now. I know reinstalling the program won't fix the recyle bin problem with NProtect actually starting despite the fact that it is running, but it don't work when it runs until I start the service up manually. That's all in another thread in here. Sorry, didn't mean to  mention both problems, but they both have to do with symantec and the scanning problem had been fixed since the middle of March until this weekend it seems like. I was afraid that running a manual scan would mess up the idle full scan last week, but it worked last week and not today though. I don't know what this guy did to mess up my icons like that and I don't know what else was messed up either. I thought that when symantec comes into my computer, they are only interested in looking and doing stuff having to do with symantec and not wanting to do stuff with windows or taking logs from windows or anything really having to do with windows unless perhaps if there was a virus involved and in this case I believe there were no viruses or trojans involved.


  Now that it appears that my idle full system scan won't run today on its own, should I run a manual full scan since I have had no scan since last Tues. morning which finished around 5 AM? Will that get my idle full system scan to run again like it should run? I have more confidence in hearing suggestions from this forum than I have with telephone support that comes into my computer at this time. I hope that there is someone who will respond to this. Thank you.

You should run the manual full scan just to check your system.  The Idle Time Scan will start back in its own time.  You are protected by Auto Protect all the time anyway which automatically scans every file that is accessed (read or written) as it is accessed.


   I just ran the manual full system scan which came up clean. I'm still concerned that the idle full system scan didn't run this morning like it should have around 5 AM or so. Last time the scan didn't run, I waited like a month for it to run. At that time, my son had to uninstall and reinstall system works standard 12. The last time we had this problem, I believe it was due to a bad cmos battery. I don't think I am having that problem now. My computer is rebooting ok as far as I know except for that NProtect problem, but that was going on before the idle scan problem. The last time I had the cmos battery problem, I wouldn't be able to reboot late at night. I don't want to take the chance of trying that out now since my son is out of town till Sunday night. He's the computer expert in my family. I still don't really know what was going on in that remote session on Friday night either. He had 2 remote sessions going on or opened up I know at the same time. After we were finished, I had to close up 2 of them. I think this may have been the cause of my scan not running this morning or so far today. I have been letting the computer go idle waiting for this idle full system scan to run. When I consulted email support, they sent me the wrong removal tool and the wrong program to d/l after removing system works. Luckily, I noticed that before my son did the removal and reinstall that time. I know there are like 3 things that have to happen in order for the idle scan to run and those things did happen quite often today, but no scan.:( I don't think this idle full system scan is going to start on its own again without my son having to reinstall the program once again. It seems to run for like 3 months or so and then has a problem. Everything else seems to be working except for that idle complete full scan.....

I know that the scanning is a concern of yours but why not disable the Idle Time scan and make a regular scheduled full system scan to happen once a week?  No more worrying and the scan happens just like you want when you want.



     The idle scan feature is a new thing this year and I like the idea of it running when the computer is idle. When it works, it runs like right on schedule too. It's been running every week like 7 days almost to the minute from when the last one ran a week earlier. The problem that time when it didn't work was the cmos battery as I mentioned before. The timing of the scan hasn't been a problem. I think the idle one makes it use less resources also. I like the program to work the way it is supposed to work. I guess my son will have to reinstall it again if I can get him to do that again for me. The problem is that he's out of town until Sunday night and Monday he has to go back to work. I hope that there aren't any other problems with it that are major ones.Apparently they can't find a way to fix NProtect so that it works correctly either. Every remote session starts with them saying I'm going to fix the problem and I won't ever have the problem again. I think it's just a script though that they are reading. I think I have had like 4 or 5 remote sessions so far to fix the NProtect problem which hasn't worked yet especially when they do the same thing over again when it didn't work the first time. But now the more important part for me is to have the idle full system scan to work. I just knew after the last remote session on Friday night, that it would get messed up after the messing up of other things. I had to change the settings he put on the recycle bin or else it would never work with NProtect. He had it set so it wouldn't protect the files. That guy really didn't know what he was doing. I really think he might have messed up something....That last guy was a different one than the one I had the first few sessions. For me it's kind of scary to let a complete stranger into my computer to do things to it. Don't know, maybe I'm wrong in thinking like that.



If the technician did something to change the timing of the scan, and that happened on a Friday night, the next full system scan will not run for seven days from that time.  Perhaps your scans will be changed to Fridays now.  Perhaps wait another week before re-installing to see if the scan runs on a different day.



     I have to wait any way since today is Tues. and my son won't be back to his house until Sunday night. A Friday night will pass any way until he gets back home. And then I will have to wait till the next weekend until he can work on my computer unless the thing just about dies during next week. Another thing, if I should happen to get a new computer before my subscription for System Works 12 runs out, can my son install that on a  new computer of mine if the old one dies on me? Would I have to buy the same program again? I do have the CD for it that came in a boxed version. I only have this one computer....and I'm hooked to it.....

If your computer dies and your subscription is still valid then you can install and use NSW on your new system.  That is perfectly fine.



   That full system automatic scan never did run in the 24 hour allowed time. It had plenty of opportunities to run on its own.That person that came into my computer on Friday night was only supposed to make a copy of some logs having to do with the recycle bin. I knew with all his monkeying around that something would happen with that full automatic idle scan. Now I have the original problem back again too. Doing stuff by remote control, I can't even see what they were doing. He didn't even want me to stay connected by telephone while he was doing what ever. I said don't hang up that phone. Unfortunately, I'm not knowledgeable to know about the things that he was doing. All I know it was just to take the logs and nothing else. How does taking a copy of a log mess up my whole desktop? Now I have a program which is only partially working correctly. The recyle bin I can fix manually to work every time I reboot. This idle auto full system scan I can't fix.:(

Please don't worry Floplot:


You are able to do manual scans until your son returns.  In the meantime, it would be wise to wait for Friday to see if the scan timing has just been changed.  You are still protected, but I realize how annoying it all is.