I find it VERY PECULIAR and SUSPICIOUS when I scan my computer with a FULL scan EVERY time....
and sometimes it states at the end that over 200,000 items are scanned ....and at OTHER times over 400,000 items are scanned ....when I do NOT EVER get rid of any items.
i use my computer for an electronic filing cabinet... and am always adding important items from time to time, , like a medical study,... .not deleting them. .....I suspect when the lower number appears as the scanning result...it is because something "suspicious" is shortening the scan .....and omiting items it SHOULD HAVE SCANNED with a "full scan".
could it be norton internet security is overwhelmed with customers when it does a shortened scan? even tho I asked for a FULL scan every time?
and/or could it be a crimuinal-hacker blocking their stuff from being spotted creatuing the lesser amount of items scanned?