"Funmoods" hijack of browser



Somehow I noticed that my Google Chrome main browser bar looked a little different and then saw that there was a small name in it, "funmoods." When I clicked on  this it took me to a website in Israel, a pretty obvious hijack. It attempted to make itself the default browser so I deleted it in the tools menu in Google Chrome. Norton didn't notice any of this activity or upon scanning for viruses.


I downloaded power eraser and it found a single file: RIKVM_1628BCEA.sys, in my system 32 file and noted that it was "Bad." I selected that it be removed and rechecked again. It still shows up even though Norton says its been fixed?!


I copied some of the log file from the power eraser scan and here it is:

-<BROWSERS_INSTALLED Default="IEXPLORE.EXE">-<Browser ID="01"><Name>Google Chrome</Name><Path>"C:\Users\Ben\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"</Path></Browser>-<Browser ID="02"><Name>Internet Explorer</Name><Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe</Path></Browser></BROWSERS_INSTALLED></Inspect>-<Analyze DateAndTime="Monday, 06 February 2012 Time: 17:52">-<Infections_Detected><DRIVERS Count="0"/><SERVICES Count="0"/><PROCESSES Count="0"/><LAYERED_SERVICE_PROVIDERS Count="0"/><DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS Count="0"/><AUTORUN_FILES Count="0"/><STARTUP_ITEMS Count="0"/><BROWSER_HELPER_OBJECTS Count="0"/><BROWSER_TOOLBARS Count="0"/><BROWSER_PLUGINS Count="0"/><SHELL_EXTENSIONS Count="0"/><EXPLORER_PLUGINS Count="0"/><DIRECTORIES Count="0"/>-<FILES Count="1">-<File ID="1">-<File_Information><Path>C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\rikvm_1628BCEA.sys</Path><FileVersion><></FileVersion><ProductVersion><></ProductVersion><ProductName><></ProductName><Company><></Company><Copyrights><></Copyrights><MD5><></MD5><SHA256><></SHA256><FileSize><></FileSize></File_Information>-<SideEffects Count="1"><File>C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\rikvm_1628BCEA.sys</File></SideEffects></File></FILES><SYSTEM_SETTINGS Count="0"/></Infections_Detected></Analyze></Session0></Norton_Power_Eraser_Information>


Any help removing this spyware would be VERY much appreciated as Norton doesn't see it and or is not able to remove it.


The web address for funmoods is: [Removed]


[edit: removed link to malicious website per the Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service. Please do not post links to anything potentially dangerous]