Get rid of the renewal nag notifications

Finally! The ordeal is over. I can enter my new key without losing any days. Lucky I got the reminder.

To think, I'd almost forgotten. Yet another one day bright red in your face in front of whatever you were doing alert.

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Oh jeez! Panic everyone! It's imminent on my main computer now. Get rid of these nag screens or loss of me will be imminent.


My Notebook is leading the way this morning but it's so exciting. Just one day to go and I'm free for another year.

My release from nagsville is imminent. Woohoo!

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I thought I was going to escape this one on my notebook but it was waiting for the new day. It slipped in just before - but on the same day - as the barrage of one day notices are due to arrive.

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Well I almost got through the rest of the day. I'm working late so it must be a timing thing. This is the third two-day notice I've had on this computer today. I'm guessing I won't get another one tomorrow morning.

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I knew the day wasn't over. We're way too close the end! These notifications appear on top of whatever you're doing. This violates all nice user interface designs for applications that don't have focus and it's triple bad when it's an advert!

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Windows notifications are far less intrusive by design and can be turned off if preferred. These have been running full swing as well. Surely, that's enough?

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My notebook was in sync today. This two day notice appeared shortly after my previous post.

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Woohoo! Only two more days of this madness, two hours after my three day warning.

I'm guessing the subscription dates and times are not synced with the time zone. I've generally been getting two warnings per computer before lunch and then nothing for the day. The first warning is a repeat from the day before so the roll-over time between annoyances must be less than twenty four hours. The big red pop-up adverts are an exception to the rule and appear whenever it's most inconvenient.

Also of note, the two computers are not in sync so the alerts appear at different times.

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Definitely a new day for me when boom, same three day message as yesterday to kick off my morning. I'm finding this saga fairly hilarious. I had no idea how bad it actually was. When you simply close all these notifications, you forget how many you've seen.

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No such luck! Barely two hours of peace before this annoyingly over-the-top-distracting notification.

Same annoying notification on my main computer ten minutes later. Hopefully that's it for the rest of today. Fingers crossed!

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Same day for me, three hours after my most recent four day reminder, hey presto a three day reminder. Now that I'm documenting the lunacy, this is a ridiculous number of annoying notifications. No wonder it seemed overly intrusive.

...and on top of Norton's huge popups, we also have the more standard slightly less annoying Windows notifications.

OMG. Had to jump back on my Notebook and, you guessed it, yet another four day reminder. Apparently the remind me later option meant, remind me again in thirty minutes because I'll obviously forget.

Four days just in case I forgot.jpg

Back on my main computer and the onslaught continues. Same four day reminder from yesterday with slightly different colours. We've gone from an orange alert icon to red. Surely that's worth a new notification. No options to remind me later on this one.

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Yet another annoying nag notification. This time, for the same four days I had yesterday. The drop down has the option to remind me later. We'll see how that goes. I don't see an option for please don't remind me again.

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I thought I was going to escape today but nope, four more days of annoyance to go. At least the rest of the seminars were free from the alerts.

Four days to go.jpg

My wife was giving the presentation using my computer. I took a quick photo for this forum and then slipped behind her and closed the window. I wasn’t about to see what options I had with 25 people watching.

From memory, it lets you enter a new key, which I have but you lose the days if you enter it early.

Hi, do you recall what the choose options are in the drop down menu.