I'm getting the following errors when trying to create a recovery point. It happens if scheduled or manual.
Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of (C:\). Error E7D1001F: Unable to write to file. Error EBAB03F1: The system cannot find the file specified.
Details: 0xE7D1001F
Source: Norton Ghost
This is on a Windows XP SP3 box. I'm backup up to a WD external USB drive with plenty of space. It has been humming along successfully for months. The only thing I've had issues with is when I restart the computer, it always hangs before the windows splash screen (just after the memory run up). The only way I can get around that is to unplug the usb drive when restarting.
However, when I did that, I could still backup successfully. Now, I'm getting these errors and cannot backup or create a recovery point. Below are the messages I receive on the screen. I am able to successfully navigate the H: drive without issue in Windows Explorer.

I'm getting the following errors when trying to create a recovery point. It happens if scheduled or manual.
Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of (C:\). Error E7D1001F: Unable to write to file. Error EBAB03F1: The system cannot find the file specified.
Details: 0xE7D1001F
Source: Norton Ghost
This is on a Windows XP SP3 box. I'm backup up to a WD external USB drive with plenty of space. It has been humming along successfully for months. The only thing I've had issues with is when I restart the computer, it always hangs before the windows splash screen (just after the memory run up). The only way I can get around that is to unplug the usb drive when restarting.
However, when I did that, I could still backup successfully. Now, I'm getting these errors and cannot backup or create a recovery point. Below are the messages I receive on the screen. I am able to successfully navigate the H: drive without issue in Windows Explorer.

Thanks, unfortunately I get a 403 error when trying to go to that link.
I read thru that thread. Unfortunately, I have all of that set already. Unless I'm checking the drive security incorrectly it has full access. Any other suggestions?
sorry about the delay in response.
what version do you use?
are you still running into the same problem?
The key parts of the error are the second and third messages. You're getting some sort of intermitent connection with your USB drive.
I'm a little concerned about the description you mentioned about the hang on startup. As High_Kick asked, what version of Ghost do you have installed? Is trying with another USB HDD an option? Have you run chkdsk /r on both source and destination drives? When you set up the backup job did you give the external drive a nickname?