Hello Out There,
I am the administrator of a few computers at work. Work have purchased Ghost 11.5 awhile ago and this is what I get....
I need to reboot the computers at night and automatically restore the C: partition from a GHOST.GHO located in the root directory of D:
Is this possible?
Where do I seek the information on how to do it?
Thanks for any help - regards Leif.
I've done this on a test basis with Ghost 2003. It should be much the same with Ghost 11.5.
Create an 8 MB bootable FAT partition. Copy ghost.exe into the partition. Edit autoexec.bat so your ghost restore command line is appropriate. Then have a pqboot.exe line to get you back into your Windows OS.
The restore process is started by a scheduled task referencing pqboot32.exe to boot the DOS partition.
I don't use DOS Ghost anymore. I find automatic restores are easier with other software but I understand you have to use Ghost.
Hi Brian,
OK ... which tool do you think is the easiest?
regards Leif.
This is what I use.
That page may look complex initially but it only takes a few minutes to set up an automatic restore once you are familiar with the software.
Edit... Let's say you want to restore at 3 am. At that time your computer will restart, run the restore and then restart into Windows. When you arrive in the morning you are looking at the desktop of your restored Windows.
Message Edited by Brian_K on 07-27-2009 10:13 PM