I was wondering if anyone else had run into this. Using Norton Ghost 12.0 on XP. I have two backup jobs created, one to do my full C: drive, and the second to do only My Documents. I schedule the My Documents job a couple of times a week, and the full C: drive backup every two weeks.
The Full C: drive backup works just fine (takes awhile, but works fine). However, the My Document job always seems to hang indefinitely at "Creating Recovery Point 5%." No idea why this happens, but basically I cannot backup JUST My Documents, apparently.
My backup destination is a second SATA drive on the same PC.
Any Ideas? Thanks for any guidance!
I was wondering if anyone else had run into this. Using Norton Ghost 12.0 on XP. I have two backup jobs created, one to do my full C: drive, and the second to do only My Documents. I schedule the My Documents job a couple of times a week, and the full C: drive backup every two weeks.
The Full C: drive backup works just fine (takes awhile, but works fine). However, the My Document job always seems to hang indefinitely at "Creating Recovery Point 5%." No idea why this happens, but basically I cannot backup JUST My Documents, apparently.
My backup destination is a second SATA drive on the same PC.
Any Ideas? Thanks for any guidance!
That seemed to have done the trick, Vinod! THanks a million!