Ghost 14 Error E0BB0061

Hello Norton -

This is becoming a problem for quite a few people now.

Is there a chance that it has something to do with a windows update.

I say this because Ghost 14 has been available for some time but this problem has only started in the last few weeks.

I still get the same error that I posted to start this thread.

Only solution so far is to run disk cleanup, then reboot.

Run missed backup again and hey-presto - it works for a day or so again.

What is going on Norton????

We'll need to investigate this issue further.  A couple of you will be contacted for further information.  As to what caused this, that is unknown for the time being.



After my initial post, I had deleted the backup job, recreated it - and even set a new backup drive (an external USB 2.0 drive instead of my RAID5 Synology CS-407 backup server).

Sure enough, it worked for, what? One  day? This morning I was greeted with the usual message:



Date: 7/23/2008 3:02:51 AM

Notification Type: Error

Priority: High

Description: Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of VISTA (C:), DEV (D:). Warning A7C3001B: Win32/Win64 API FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME(\?\Volume{51f40afc-0ca5-11dc-8f75-806e6f6e6963}) failed. Error EBAB03F1: Access is denied. Details: The disk is in use or locked by another process.


Hi to you all:smileyvery-happy:


I have no idea why but (fingers crossed) I have now created 1 base and 6 incremental backups and they all look OK.

I have never got past 1 base and 2 incrementals before the dreaded error message appeared.

I wish I could tell you I have found a solution, but in all truth I have not done anything except delete the backup schedule and restart a new schedule(exactly as I had done on numerous other occasions) and so far so good.

Ok ,  I pushed my luck  with my last post as Ghost 14 has failed on the seventh incremental (still the longest sequence that has run).


Now during this time I have been using the Hibernation sequence at end of day, and everything seemed to run OK.


Yesterday I had to POWER OFF my PC overnight and lo and behold the next incremental failed.


Now I'm not saying that the problem is related, but over the past couple of weeks I have been altering the Power setup in Vista as they do not seem to work as I expected them to.


It may be a coincidence but one I shall try to put on a more planned problem solving exercise.

Is this thread still open, as no answers seem to be forthcoming.

Still have the problem. The last set of incrementals (1 base + 5 incrementals ) has just failed on the 6th.

I have left my PC alone since starting the set and it has never been turned off during that time (6 days).

So the problem has nothing to do with anything other than Ghost 14.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Same here. I’ve found that rebooting the machine everyday, seems to make it do the backup properly. If you do it a couple of times without rebooting the machine, then the “Access Denied” behavior comes back.