Ghost 14 Error E7010018 when recovering files from recovery point

I needed to recover a folder of pictures from my Ghost 14 backup drive. I located the folder and files using the recovery point browser and started the recovery process. However, periodically through the recovery I get the following error message in a popup window labeled "File Recovery Error"


Cannot recover file 'C:\Users\Public\Pictures\People\IMG_0123.JPG',  Error E7010018 : Unable to set date on '\\?\C:\Users\Public\Pictures\People\IMG_0123.JPG'.  Error 00000020:


The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Success.


Please try one of the following:

-Check the permissions on the destination.

-Close any programs that might be using the file and try again.

-Boot the Symantec Recovery Disk CD and then recover.


Abort        Retry        Ignore


When I get this message, if I check the destination folder I can see the file is there with the current date and time. I click on "Retry" and the recovery carries on like nothing happened. Now when I check again for the file, it exists with the original date and time. The recovery carries on with no problem until it decides to pick on another file.


I find this a little scary if I ever had to do a full drive recovery!  It looks like I would have to sit at my computer periodically clicking "Retry" for random files that Ghost decides to pick on!


Anybody know what the problem might be


