Ghost 14 is failing to create an incremental recovery point after a new base recovery point.
Message: EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: My Compuer Backup. Error E0BB0191: Search engine support cannot be enabled for this incremental image. Error EA3905ED: Required file attribut missing. Details: 0xE0BB191
Hi Vinod,
It is an external HD 500MB with the NTFS file system - drive letter "L" on my system. Was working fine until I switched from a USB connection to SATA - which I was told would be a faster data transfer. Don't know if that would have anything to do with the problem.
Anyhow, I got around the backup problem by unselecting the enable search engine support box; but it might still be nice to have it.
The error message indicates that some file attributes are missing. I would suggest you to run Checkdisk on your source drive to fix file system errors. After that you can enable backups with Search engine support. Use the following command to run checkdisk:
chkdsk /f
Thanks. Which disk do I run the chkdsk /f on? The origin drive (C:) or the destination drive (L:)?
Thanks again,
Ghost 14 is failing to create an incremental recovery point after a new base recovery point.
Message: EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: My Compuer Backup. Error E0BB0191: Search engine support cannot be enabled for this incremental image. Error EA3905ED: Required file attribut missing. Details: 0xE0BB191