Running Ghost Backing up to NAS Buffalo LinkStation Pro Duo 1 terrabyte. Backing up my C drive weekly.
This has been operating without a hitch for months. This Wednesday I received the following error (from event viewer):
Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: My Computer Backup. Error E0BB0191: Search engine support cannot be enabled for this incremental image. Error EA3905ED: Required file attribute missing. Details: 0xE0BB0191 Source: Norton Ghost
I've run the backup several times. At first, it was giving me the error within a few minutes. After running chkdsk (/f) the error now appears after approximately an hour and forty minutes. Other things I've tried was updating Ghost online, restarting the NAS, running the NAS' built in disk check. I've succesfully copied files to and from my NAS using Windows Explorer.
I had run two Windows updates in the past week and thought that might be the problem, but deleting the updates with Ccleaner didn't help. I'm now trusting you as my last hope. :)
No help. Chkdsk /r took forever, then I started the backup and let it run all night. After the same hour and 45 minutes, it quit with the same error.
To the best of my knowledge, during these backup attempts, the progress slider never moves across its scale. Also, after each attempt, Norton creates a 257K file on the NAS drive in the 'trashbox' folder with the name "copy #x of JEREMIAH_C Drive003_i001.iv2i . Each time the 'x' increments (1, 2, 3, 4.....).
Notice the "Drive003" in the above file name. When the backup was successful, the backup file was named "Drive002".
I tried some of the suggestions in those links; none seemed to help. I've sent a message to a Norton employee on another Norton forum (?????). We'll see if he'll help me. Thanks for all the help so far.
First, you can take the check mark out of the option to 'Enable Search Engine support' in your backup job, either by editing the existing job or by creating a new job. If you aren't actively using Google Desktop w/ search engine support, this Ghost feature is not necessary.
Or, can you please download and install Backup Exec System Recovery 8.5? This is a very'e for 30-days. This test will let me know a few more details about the results.
Andreas, taking the check mark out of the search engine option cured the problem!
I was going to install BESR, however it wanted to uninstall Ghost and that was more than I was prepared for, particularly since the problem was solved.
Thank you so very much for your help with this. I'm hoping this thread might help others who seem to be having the same problem. Also thanks to the others who offered their assistance.
Running Ghost Backing up to NAS Buffalo LinkStation Pro Duo 1 terrabyte. Backing up my C drive weekly.
This has been operating without a hitch for months. This Wednesday I received the following error (from event viewer):
Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: My Computer Backup. Error E0BB0191: Search engine support cannot be enabled for this incremental image. Error EA3905ED: Required file attribute missing. Details: 0xE0BB0191 Source: Norton Ghost
I've run the backup several times. At first, it was giving me the error within a few minutes. After running chkdsk (/f) the error now appears after approximately an hour and forty minutes. Other things I've tried was updating Ghost online, restarting the NAS, running the NAS' built in disk check. I've succesfully copied files to and from my NAS using Windows Explorer.
I had run two Windows updates in the past week and thought that might be the problem, but deleting the updates with Ccleaner didn't help. I'm now trusting you as my last hope. :)