Hi Allan: Answers in red again.
Thanks for the update. Just to confirm, you ran the Norton Removal tool, correct? I removed NG using the Control Panel, then ran the Norton Removal tool. It ran for ages (about 45 minutes) then terminated normallyl. After the computer restarted, I tried running a backup and it failed after several hours as described in the JPG screenshots that I had to rename to .TXT in order to attach them. I then deleted a bunch of files from the backup drive, defragged, and retried with the result shown in the third attached screenshot. You reported seeing error code EBAB03F1 which you had not mentioned before. Is this a new error or were you indeed seeing this before also? What message is reported along with this error code? Please see the attached screenshotsThis error code has been reported numerous times but there are different messages depending on the exact nature of the problem.
You reported earlier an inability to edit backup job settings. Do you still have this problem? Do you still get the error "server threw and exception"?No. I am now able to edit the settings and run the wizard to completion.
I'd also like to see what is being reported in the Windows Application events so please do the following:
Please try to check the Windows application event log as well to see if any errors are noted. Please see:
Once you bring up the event viewer, try to run Ghost and perform the activity which normally results in the problem. Then double click on Application events. Look for anything near the top which is flagged as an error or warning. If any found double click on the event. This will bring up the event properties window. From there see if anything references Ghost in any way. You can paste the event into this thread by clicking on the symbol which looks like two pieces of paper in the event properties window. Then hit Ctrl+V to paste into the thread. Please NOTE that I only need events which are flagged as error or warning and are near the time you reproduced the error with Ghost. There were indeed errors as follows:
From the first backup attempt
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Norton Ghost
Event Category: High Priority
Event ID: 100
Date: 12/11/2009
Time: 10:31:14 PM
User: N/A
Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: My Computer Backup. Error E7D1001F: Unable to write to file. Error EBAB03F1: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
Details: 0xE7D1001F
Source: Norton Ghost
From the second attempt
Event Type: Error
Event Source: McLogEvent
Event Category: None
Event ID: 259
Date: 12/12/2009
Time: 1:07:33 PM
The scan found detections. Scan engine version 5400.1158 DAT version 5829.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Norton Ghost
Event Category: High Priority
Event ID: 100
Date: 12/12/2009
Time: 1:04:04 PM
User: N/A
Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: My Computer Backup. Error E7D1001F: Unable to write to file. Error EBAB03F1: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
Details: 0xE7D1001F
Source: Norton GhostEvent Type: Error
Event Source: McLogEvent
Event Category: None
Event ID: 259
Date: 12/12/2009
Time: 1:07:33 PM
The scan found detections. Scan engine version 5400.1158 DAT version 5829
Thanks again for the help
Message Edited by jjb94941 on 12-12-2009 05:24 PM
Message Edited by jjb94941 on 12-12-2009 06:13 PM