Ghost 14 inadvertently cancelling operation (backups and consolidation/deletion of recovery points)

I seem to be having a problem with Ghost version 14.  When I do manual back-ups, it seems like everything starts out OK, but then about half-way through the cycle, there's a message box that says - 'Operation cancelled by user'.  How can that be, I never intentially cancelled the back-up.  I'm also having a problem with deleting recovering points to make more room for backups.    About every few months, I noticed that back-ups aren't happening because it's run out of room,  I then try to delete some recovery points to make more room,  it usually works, but now, I can't delete them since I get the message 'Operation cancelled by user.'   It's frustrating since it takes hours to delete the recovery points, and then I have to start all over.   Has anyone else had this problem ?  Is there a hotfix, or workaround to fix this.  Or is the program just not working write on my machine and I should re-install ? 


