Ghost 14 - Testing a recovery point by restoring the image to a USB drive and booting from it

Hi folks,


I am trying to confirm that the recovery point I created of my PC's primary HDD (C:) has been successfully created. I will only be convinced it has been when I can restore the image to another HDD then boot my PC from that HDD.  Currently the only spare HDD I have available is a USB WD Passport drive.  So I restored the image to that USB HDD and made it bootable. I then changed my PC's BIOS to boot from the USB drive.  This works to a point.  My problem is that it only gets a short way into the loading WinXP splash screen then resets itself, tries to restart in Safe Mode from the USB drive etc.  What could I be doing wrong ? My primary C: drive is still connected should I temporarily disable that ?

Also,  how do I ensure that the USB drive is automatically assigned the C: drive letter to ensure the OS can't tell the difference between the USB and my primary SATA HD ?


